6:30pm - 8pm
Wednesday 28 February 2018
Surviving the century: Hopes and threats from new technologies
Professor Lord Martin Rees spoke about the hopes and threats from new technologies and what the consequences these advancements could have for the health of the planet.
University of Surrey
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Professor Lord Martin Rees
UK's Astronomer Royal
Martin Rees is a cosmologist and space scientist. He is based in Cambridge, where he has been Director of the Institute of Astronomy, a Research Professor, and Master of Trinity College. He was also President of the Royal Society during 2005-2010. In 2005 he was appointed to the House of Lords.
He has received many international awards for his research, and belongs to numerous foreign academies including the US National Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy and the Pontifical Academy. He has served on many bodies connected with education space research, arms control and international collaboration in science. He lectures, writes and broadcasts widely.
Ever since his book Our Final Century? was published, he has been concerned with the threats stemming from humanity’s ever-heavier ‘footprint’ on the global environment, and with the runaway consequences of ever more powerful technologies. These concerns led him to join with colleagues in setting up a Centre for the Study of Existential Risks (CSER). This is based in Cambridge but has a strong international advisory board.
About the lecture
Our Earth is 45 million centuries old. But this century is the first when one species – ours – can determine the fate of the Earth’s biosphere. The future of our planet is in our hands.
During his speech, Lord Rees sounded the alarm that humanity needs to be wary of the consequences its technological advancements – such as artificial intelligence, biotechnological and space exploration – will have to the health of the planet. Saying that advances – such as those seen at the University of Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre – might bring about great hopes, but that they also bring great challenges.
Watch the full lecture
About the series

The Adams-Sweeting Lecture series was created in honour of two of the University of Surrey’s most prestigious academics – Distinguished Professor of Physics, Alf Adams and Distinguished Professor of Space Engineering, Sir Martin Sweeting.
The lecture sees experts, innovators and scientists deliver fascinating talks on pioneering developments in their area of expertise. Feed your intrigue, expand your mind and join us to learn about the innovations shaping the world.