Efficient and flexible point-to-multipoint content distribution in 5G and beyond
This EPSRC iCASE PhD studentship with BT is working in the newly launched 6GIC at the University of Surrey and focuses on broadcast and multicast point-to-multipoint (PTM) technologies for 5G and beyond.
Start date
1 October 2022Duration
3 yearsApplication deadline
Funding source
EPSRC iCASE studentship in partnership with BTFunding information
Studentship will pay full tuition fees along with a stipend of £16,062 per annum plus £3,000 top up per annum.
UK and international candidates may apply, but only UK fees are covered.
Supervised by
Topic summary: This project aims to develop cost-efficient solutions for enabling point-to-multipoint content stream delivery services in 5G-and-beyond network environments. Solutions will be proposed towards the design and test-bed implementation of necessary architecture and supporting techniques/algorithms for achieving optimised network resource utilisations while satisfying user Quality of Experiences (QoE) under dynamic conditions.
Key words:
- A mixed-mode of unicast or point-to-point and broadcast/multicast or PTM (or the architectural and functional splitting/combining of unicast, broadcast and multicast transmission schemes over 5G networks)
- The use of multicast/broadcast on the intelligent and autonomous decision making for network resource utilisation and optimisation
- A forward-looking media user experience, e.g., holographic applications, 360° visual media and object-based media.
Roadmap: The PhD student will understand the fundamental limits of technologies used for the current broadcast and multicast services. There is also a need for wide understanding across different layers of the mobile network, as the industry moves quickly towards a holistic implementation of PTM in 5G networks. The actual scope of this project will be defined from the general scope outlined in the topic summary and key words (as listed above), and can be reshaped based on the candidate’s expertise and interests. Contributions to standardisation bodies such as 3GPP may be made based on the developed solutions. The candidate will be expected to work in close collaboration with other members of ICS/6GIC at the University of Surrey and industry partner (BT).
A later start date of 28 October 2022 is possible.
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Institute for Communication Systems (ICS)Additional notes
The successful candidate has access to 5G and 6G testbeds at the Institute for Communication Systems (ICS) at the University of Surrey.
Eligibility criteria
Candidates should have a first-class honours degree or equivalent, or a good MSc Degree, in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or Mathematics. Candidates must be confident in design and development of communication systems or communication networks.
UK and international candidates may apply, but only UK fees are covered.
IELTS requirements: IELTS Academic 6.5 overall with 6.0 in Writing, or equivalent.
How to apply
Applications should be submitted via the Information and Communication Systems PhD programme page.
Please clearly state the studentship title and supervisor on your application. Applications must include a research proposal, up-to-date CV, masters and bachelors degree certificates and transcripts and a copy of your passport. Two references are required before an offer can be made.
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