Lupin-enhanced wheat bread for nutritional benefits (FoodBioSystems DTP)
The FoodBioSystems Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) is currently advertising 36 projects. From these, it is expected 24 studentships will be awarded to the strongest application to start their studies in October 2022.
Start date
1 October 2022Duration
4 yearsApplication deadline
Funding source
BBSRC FoodBioSystems Doctoral Training Partnership.Funding information
The studentships are predominantly open to students with established UK residency. Although international students (including EU countries) can apply, due to funding rules no more than 30% of the projects can be allocated to international students.
The funding will include a tax free stipend and support for tuition fees at the standard UK rate (in 2021/2022 this is a minimum of £15,609 per year and £4500 per year respectively). There will also be a contribution towards research costs.
Full eligibility, funding and application details can be found on the FoodBioSystems DTP page.
This project is a great opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary team of food and nutrition scientists from the Universities of Surrey and Reading. In this project, an underutilised and very promising legume flour, made from lupin, will be characterised in terms of its technological functionalities as an ingredient. A strategy to better incorporate this flour, which is high in fibre and protein, into bread will be investigated. In addition, nutritional studies on lupin incorporation in the diet will be carried out to understand the potential health benefits, such as increased satiety.
The growing global population requires proteins from environmentally sustainable sources, such as legumes (e.g. lupin), to augment the existing supply. Diets high in fibre reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer. Bread is bought by 99.8% of British households (~11 million loaves/day); however, 60-70% is refined white wheat bread. Flour refining reduces the protein and fibre contents, and increases starch digestibility. Enhancing the nutritional profile of white bread could significantly improve the population’s intake of protein and fibre. It is thought that lupin-enhanced bread will boost the post-ingestion satiety effect and could therefore have an impact on energy intake in the general population.
The main objectives of this study will be to:
- Assess the effect of flour pretreatments on the technological functionalities of lupin flour as an ingredient in bread.
- Evaluate the impact of adding lupin flour on the bread-making process and the final product, and then optimising its incorporation to enhance the fibre and protein levels in the final products.
- Evaluate the effects of adding lupin flour on bread staling, its sensory profile and consumer acceptability.
- Investigate the effects of consuming bread enhanced with lupin flour on post-prandial satiety and blood glucose levels.
About the FoodBioSystems DTP
The FoodBioSystems Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) brings together six university partners: University of Reading, Cranfield University, University of Surrey, Queen’s University Belfast, Aberystwyth University, and Brunel University London. The Partnership’s vision is to develop the next generation of bioscientists with in-depth knowledge and technical expertise of food systems and biological processes across the Agri-Food system from pre-farm to post-fork. They will become the urgently needed experts - able to transform the food value chain and address challenges of sustainability, efficacy, authenticity and safety in food production systems whilst delivering better nutrition and concomitant health benefits for society. The DTP is currently advertising 36 projects. From these, it is expected 24 studentships will be awarded to the strongest application to start their studies in October 2022.
Related links
FoodBioSystems DTP websiteTraining opportunities
Training in all techniques will be provided. The training is interdisciplinary, spanning broad areas of food science and nutrition, with some physical chemistry and sensory science.
Specific training will be provided on:
- Nutritional composition analysis techniques
- Physical properties - rheology, texture and thermal properties
- Food micro and macrostructure
- Sensory analysis, with the possibility of becoming accredited by the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) for sensory, and the appropriate statistical techniques for analysing these data sets
- Human studies – ethics, data management, blood glucose and hormone analysis.
The relatively short distance between Reading and Guildford allows easy access to both campuses. Both universities have training specific to postgraduate studies (induction, confirmation, thesis writing, viva voce preparation and career planning) and associated skills in communication, organisation, time management, networking, science communication (Pint of Science, Bright club) and outreach. These are in addition to the training provided by the DTP.
There will also be opportunities for demonstrating in teaching labs and associated pedagogical (teaching theory and techniques) training (PGCertHE). Access to a career mentoring scheme with academic and industrial mentors is available at University of Surrey.
Eligibility criteria
This project would suit students with experience in food science, food technology, nutrition, chemistry, physics, materials science or biochemistry. This project is an opportunity to apply this training to a food science project. The project will be primarily laboratory based, so enthusiasm for practical work would be an asset. Good oral and written communication skills will be helpful when dealing with study volunteers. Experience with one or more of the techniques mentioned would be desirable.
This studentship is available for UK and international students.
IELTS requirements: The standard requirement is for a score of 6.5 or above (or equivalent) with 6.0 in each individual category, in an IELTS Academic test taken in the last 2 years.
How to apply
Initial applications must be made online via the FoodBioSystems online application system, which will open on 6 January 2022.
Studentship FAQs
Read our studentship FAQs to find out more about applying and funding.
Application deadline
Contact details
Department of Nutritional Sciences.
Kohajdova et al., Lupin composition and possible use in bakery – a review (2011) Czech J. Food Sci. 29(3):203

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