Convergence lecture series: "Translation in the age of the augmented world", by Prof Minako O'Hagan
The Centre for Translation Studies (CTS) has the pleasure to announce the next event in the Convergence lecture series. Prof Minako O’Hagan will deliver the online lecture "Translation in the age of the augmented world: co-evolution with AI and volunteers". The event will take place online on Wednesday 14 September 2022, 9am BST (GMT +1).

Title of the lecture: Translation in the age of the augmented world: co-evolution with AI and volunteers
Abstract: Today’s digital landscape is translation-friendly with constantly improving machine translation (MT) becoming part of everyday online tools while speech and text are increasingly interchangeable with the use of technology. There is more demand for translation of a variety of content with multinational language service providers (LSPs) reaping ever-larger profits. Ranging from crime novels through streamed films to video games, such content needs to be delivered faster and tailored to the target audience. In parallel, networks of volunteers and fans carry out translation projects, often free, while theorising and critiquing official translations. This high-productivity world of translation is ideal for data-driven MT which is trained on human translation data, despite some ethical issues. This eco-system makes the emerging picture for professional translation somewhat murky, as it continues to face the pressure to reduce time and cost, as well as to demonstrate “an edge” in comparison with the alternatives. Drawing on examples from game localization and crisis translation, I will explore how different types of translation will drive new roles for human translators shaping, and shaped by, augmented digital environments.
Speaker's short bio: Minako O'Hagan is Associate Professor at the School of Cultures Languages and Linguistics (CLL) at the University of Auckland. She has research specialisms in technology applications in translation. Her publications include the edited volume: the Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology (O'Hagan 2020) and the co-authored monograph: Game Localization: Translating for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry (O'Hagan and Mangiron 2013).
Event details: The event will take place online on Wednesday 14 September 2022, 9am BST (GMT +1). Registration is free and can be done on this Eventbrite webpage.