Future of Work Director expertise sought from UK government and private industry
Director of the Future of Work Research Centre, Professor Ying Zhou, has recently provided her expertise to both the UK government, and Citi Global.
Professor Zhou was recently interviewed by the UK’s cross-government Open Innovation Team to advise on the Cabinet Office’s skills strategy for civil servants. The 45-minute interview focused on her views on the quality and breadth of the existing evidence attempting to identify future skills needs, both for civil servants and for those working in the wider economy.
In addition, Professor Zhou was invited by Robert Garlick (Head of Innovation, Technology & the Future of Work, Citi Global Insights) to contribute expert views on the skills needed to thrive in the age of AI. The article, published by Citi GPS in May 2024, is titled "What Machines Can't Master: Human Skills to Thrive in the Age of AI. Expert Views on the Skills of the Future. Citi GPS: Global Perspectives & Solutions.”
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