Digital health and data science research theme

Gathering new data insights to advance diagnostics, treatment and care.

The challenge

Digital technology is changing the way that illnesses in animals and humans are diagnosed, monitored, prevented, treated and experienced. New artificial intelligence (AI) tools are continually being developed and fresh insights are needed to apply these efficiently and effectively to an array of datasets and to use the outputs ethically to hone algorithm design. The ultimate challenge is to move from systems that react to changes in health to those that predict potentially deleterious changes and support early intervention to prevent diseases taking hold.  

Our response

Within our Digital Health and Data Science Research Theme, work to probe datasets of symptoms acquired from internet of things-enabled sensors installed in the homes of patients living with, or at risk of conditions such as dementia, diabetes and cancers, helps prevent both the human and economic cost of hospitalisation. Sensor data from biomechanical analysis of companion animals reveal the impacts of skeletal abnormalities, enabling swifter diagnosis and improved animal welfare. Probing complex datasets - of pathogens, animal hosts and environmental conditions - enables real time detection and diagnosis of zoonotic disease and enhances global surveillance efforts. Exploring how technology can best be used to support clinician patient interactions and monitor and improve sleep reduces demands on health systems.

Research projects

Active projects

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Completed projects

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Timing, quality, and physiology of sleep in a deprived community cohort in South Africa, and their relationship with chronic disease

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Start date: October 2014

End date: April 2016

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Research theme members

Research theme champions

Jo Armes profile image

Professor Jo Armes

Digital Health and Data Science, Research Theme Champion

Tibor Auer profile image

Dr Tibor Auer

Digital Health and Data Science, Associate Research Theme Champion

Postgraduate research opportunities

Contact us

Find us


Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Kate Granger Building
30 Priestley Road, Surrey Research Park
See map