Surrey students shine in IStructE student awards
Tyler Dansie-Smith has been awarded top prize in the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE) Surrey region awards for best student research project.

Tyler (right) was presented with his certificate by Martin Powell, Chief Executive of the Institution of Structural Engineers.
In the awards ceremony held at Burford Bridge Hotel in Dorking on 21 October, not only did Tyler – who is in the final year of his MEng Civil Engineering degree – take the first prize, recent graduates Fergus Neil and Jake Yeadon also received highly commended certificates.
In Tyler’s winning project he designed a steel transmission tower using finite element analysis and analysed its collapse behaviour as critical elements were removed.
He explains: “I explored this topic because I found a research gap relating to the progressive collapse of a single circuit tower. This research is important in order for transmission towers to be designed to be more robust in the future, preventing their collapse.”
Winning this award was such an honour, especially being from such a prestigious institution. It will certainly help me boost my career as an engineering. Once I finish my MEng programme, I’m hoping to join Tony Gee & Partners as a graduate engineer.Tyler Dansie-Smith
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