
My research project



Xinhao Mei, Haohe Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Tom Ko, Mark D. Plumbley, Yuexian Zou, Wenwu Wang (2024)WavCaps: A ChatGPT-Assisted Weakly-Labelled Audio Captioning Dataset for Audio-Language Multimodal Research, In: WavCaps: A ChatGPT-Assisted Weakly-Labelled Audio Captioning Dataset for Audio-Language Multimodal Research Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

The advancement of audio-language (AL) multi-modal learning tasks has been significant in recent years, yet the limited size of existing audio-language datasets poses challenges for researchers due to the costly and time-consuming collection process. To address this data scarcity issue, we introduce WavCaps, the first large-scale weakly-labelled audio captioning dataset, comprising approximately 400k audio clips with paired captions. We sourced audio clips and their raw descriptions from web sources and a sound event detection dataset. However, the online-harvested raw descriptions are highly noisy and unsuitable for direct use in tasks such as automated audio captioning. To overcome this issue, we propose a three-stage processing pipeline for filtering noisy data and generating high-quality captions, where ChatGPT, a large language model, is leveraged to filter and transform raw descriptions automatically. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of WavCaps dataset and evaluate it on multiple downstream audio-language multimodal learning tasks. The systems trained on WavCaps outperform previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) models by a significant margin. Our aspiration is for the WavCaps dataset we have proposed to facilitate research in audio-language multimodal learning and demonstrate the potential of utilizing large language models (LLMs) to enhance academic research. Our dataset and codes are available at https://github.com/XinhaoMei/WavCaps.

Xinhao Mei, Chutong Meng, Haohe Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Tom Ko, Chengqi Zhao, Mark Plumbley, Yuexian Zou, Wenwu Wang (2023)WavCaps: A ChatGPT-Assisted Weakly-Labelled Audio Captioning Dataset for Audio-Language Multimodal Research, In: WavCaps: A ChatGPT-Assisted Weakly-Labelled Audio Captioning Dataset for Audio-Language Multimodal Research Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

The advancement of audio-language (AL) multimodal learning tasks has been significant in recent years. However, researchers face challenges due to the costly and time-consuming collection process of existing audio-language datasets, which are limited in size. To address this data scarcity issue, we introduce WavCaps, the first large-scale weakly-labelled audio captioning dataset, comprising approximately 400k audio clips with paired captions. We sourced audio clips and their raw descriptions from web sources and a sound event detection dataset. However, the online-harvested raw descriptions are highly noisy and unsuitable for direct use in tasks such as automated audio captioning. To overcome this issue, we propose a three-stage processing pipeline for filtering noisy data and generating high-quality captions, where ChatGPT, a large language model, is leveraged to filter and transform raw descriptions automatically. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of WavCaps dataset and evaluate it on multiple downstream audio-language multimodal learning tasks. The systems trained on WavCaps outperform previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) models by a significant margin. Our aspiration is for the WavCaps dataset we have proposed to facilitate research in audio-language multimodal learning and demonstrate the potential of utilizing ChatGPT to enhance academic research. Our dataset and codes are available at https://github.com/XinhaoMei/WavCaps.

Jinzheng Zhao, Peipei Wu, Xubo Liu, Shidrokh Goudarzi, Haohe Liu, Yong Xu, Wenwu Wang (2022)Audio Visual Multi-Speaker Tracking with Improved GCF and PMBM Filter, In: INTERSPEECH 20223704pp. 3704-3708 Isca-Int Speech Communication Assoc

Audio and visual signals can be used jointly to provide complementary information for multi-speaker tracking. Face detectors and color histogram can provide visual measurements while Direction of Arrival (DOA) lines and global coherence field (GCF) maps can provide audio measurements. GCF, as a traditional sound source localization method, has been widely used to provide audio measurements in audio-visual speaker tracking by estimating the positions of speakers. However, GCF cannot directly deal with the scenarios of multiple speakers due to the emergence of spurious peaks on the GCF map, making it difficult to find the non-dominant speakers. To overcome this limitation, we propose a phase-aware VoiceFilter and a separation-before-localization method, which enables the audio mixture to be separated into individual speech sources while retaining their phases. This allows us to calculate the GCF map for multiple speakers, thereby their positions accurately and concurrently. Based on this method, we design an adaptive audio measurement likelihood for audio-visual multiple speaker tracking using Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) filter. The experiments demonstrate that our proposed tracker achieves state-of-the-art results on the AV16.3 dataset.

Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Xinhao Mei, Jinzheng Zhao, Qiushi Huang, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2022)Separate What You Describe: Language-Queried Audio Source Separation, In: Interspeech 2022pp. 1801-1805

In this paper, we introduce the task of language-queried audio source separation (LASS), which aims to separate a target source from an audio mixture based on a natural language query of the target source (e.g., “a man tells a joke followed by people laughing”). A unique challenge in LASS is associated with the complexity of natural language description and its relation with the audio sources. To address this issue, we proposed LASSNet, an end-to-end neural network that is learned to jointly process acoustic and linguistic information, and separate the target source that is consistent with the language query from an audio mixture. We evaluate the performance of our proposed system with a dataset created from the AudioCaps dataset. Experimental results show that LASS-Net achieves considerable improvements over baseline methods. Furthermore, we observe that LASS-Net achieves promising generalization results when using diverse human-annotated descriptions as queries, indicating its potential use in real-world scenarios. The separated audio samples and source code are available at https://liuxubo717.github.io/LASS-demopage.

Haohe Liu, Xubo Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley (2024)Learning Temporal Resolution in Spectrogram for Audio Classification, In: Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24)38(12: AAAI-24 Technical Tracks 12) Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

The audio spectrogram is a time-frequency representation that has been widely used for audio classification. One of the key attributes of the audio spectrogram is the temporal resolution, which depends on the hop size used in the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). Previous works generally assume the hop size should be a constant value (e.g., 10 ms). However, a fixed temporal resolution is not always optimal for different types of sound. The temporal resolution affects not only classification accuracy but also computational cost. This paper proposes a novel method, DiffRes, that enables differentiable temporal resolution modeling for audio classification. Given a spectrogram calculated with a fixed hop size, DiffRes merges non-essential time frames while preserving important frames. DiffRes acts as a "drop-in" module between an audio spectrogram and a classifier and can be jointly optimized with the classification task. We evaluate DiffRes on five audio classification tasks, using mel-spectrograms as the acoustic features, followed by off-the-shelf classifier backbones. Compared with previous methods using the fixed temporal resolution, the DiffRes-based method can achieve the equivalent or better classification accuracy with at least 25% computational cost reduction. We further show that DiffRes can improve classification accuracy by increasing the temporal resolution of input acoustic features, without adding to the computational cost.

Xubo Liu, Zhongkai Zhu, Haohe Liu, Yi Yuan, Meng Cui, Qiushi Huang, Jinhua Liang, Yin Cao, Qiuqiang Kong, Mark Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)WavJourney: Compositional Audio Creation with Large Language Models, In: WavJourney: Compositional Audio Creation with LLMs Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great promise in integrating diverse expert models to tackle intricate language and vision tasks. Despite their significance in advancing the field of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC), their potential in intelligent audio content creation remains unexplored. In this work, we tackle the problem of creating audio content with storylines encompassing speech, music, and sound effects, guided by text instructions. We present WavJourney, a system that leverages LLMs to connect various audio models for audio content generation. Given a text description of an auditory scene, WavJourney first prompts LLMs to generate a structured script dedicated to audio storytelling. The audio script incorporates diverse audio elements, organized based on their spatio-temporal relationships. As a conceptual representation of audio, the audio script provides an interactive and interpretable rationale for human engagement. Afterward, the audio script is fed into a script compiler, converting it into a computer program. Each line of the program calls a task-specific audio generation model or computational operation function (e.g., concatenate, mix). The computer program is then executed to obtain an explainable solution for audio generation. We demonstrate the practicality of WavJourney across diverse real-world scenarios, including science fiction, education, and radio play. The explainable and interactive design of WavJourney fosters human-machine co-creation in multi-round dialogues, enhancing creative control and adaptability in audio production. WavJourney audiolizes the human imagination, opening up new avenues for creativity in multimedia content creation.

Xubo Liu, Qiushi Huang, Xinhao Mei, Haohe Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Jianyuan Sun, Shengchen Li, Tom Ko, Yu Zhang, Lilian H. Tang, Mark D. Plumbley, Volkan Kılıç, Wenwu Wang (2023)Visually-Aware Audio Captioning With Adaptive Audio-Visual Attention, In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH (INTERSPEECH 2023)pp. 2838-2842 International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

Audio captioning aims to generate text descriptions of audio clips. In the real world, many objects produce similar sounds. How to accurately recognize ambiguous sounds is a major challenge for audio captioning. In this work, inspired by inherent human multimodal perception, we propose visually-aware audio captioning, which makes use of visual information to help the description of ambiguous sounding objects. Specifically , we introduce an off-the-shelf visual encoder to extract video features and incorporate the visual features into an audio captioning system. Furthermore, to better exploit complementary audiovisual contexts, we propose an audiovisual attention mechanism that adaptively integrates audio and visual context and removes the redundant information in the latent space. Experimental results on AudioCaps, the largest audio captioning dataset, show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on machine translation metrics.

Haohe Liu, Yi Yuan, Xubo Liu, Xinhao Mei, Qiuqiang Kong, Qiao Tian, Yuping Wang, Wenwu Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Mark Plumbley (2023)AudioLDM 2: Learning Holistic Audio Generation with Self-supervised Pretraining, In: AudioLDM 2: Learning holistic audio generation with self-supervised pretraining Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Although audio generation shares commonalities across different types of audio, such as speech, music, and sound effects, designing models for each type requires careful consideration of specific objectives and biases that can significantly differ from those of other types. To bring us closer to a unified perspective of audio generation, this paper proposes a framework that utilizes the same learning method for speech, music, and sound effect generation. Our framework introduces a general representation of audio, called "language of audio" (LOA). Any audio can be translated into LOA based on AudioMAE, a self-supervised pre-trained representation learning model. In the generation process, we translate any modalities into LOA by using a GPT-2 model, and we perform self-supervised audio generation learning with a latent diffusion model conditioned on LOA. The proposed framework naturally brings advantages such as in-context learning abilities and reusable self-supervised pretrained AudioMAE and latent diffusion models. Experiments on the major benchmarks of text-to-audio, text-to-music, and text-to-speech demonstrate state-of-the-art or competitive performance against previous approaches. Our code, pretrained model, and demo are available at https://audioldm.github.io/audioldm2.

Qiuqiang Kong, Ke Chen, Haohe Liu, Xingjian Du, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Shlomo Dubnov, Mark Plumbley (2023)Universal Source Separation with Weakly Labelled Data, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Universal source separation (USS) is a fundamental research task for computational auditory scene analysis, which aims to separate mono recordings into individual source tracks. There are three potential challenges awaiting the solution to the audio source separation task. First, previous audio source separation systems mainly focus on separating one or a limited number of specific sources. There is a lack of research on building a unified system that can separate arbitrary sources via a single model. Second, most previous systems require clean source data to train a separator, while clean source data are scarce. Third, there is a lack of USS system that can automatically detect and separate active sound classes in a hierarchical level. To use large-scale weakly labeled/unlabeled audio data for audio source separation, we propose a universal audio source separation framework containing: 1) an audio tagging model trained on weakly labeled data as a query net; and 2) a conditional source separation model that takes query net outputs as conditions to separate arbitrary sound sources. We investigate various query nets, source separation models, and training strategies and propose a hierarchical USS strategy to automatically detect and separate sound classes from the AudioSet ontology. By solely leveraging the weakly labelled AudioSet, our USS system is successful in separating a wide variety of sound classes, including sound event separation, music source separation, and speech enhancement. The USS system achieves an average signal-to-distortion ratio improvement (SDRi) of 5.57 dB over 527 sound classes of AudioSet; 10.57 dB on the DCASE 2018 Task 2 dataset; 8.12 dB on the MUSDB18 dataset; an SDRi of 7.28 dB on the Slakh2100 dataset; and an SSNR of 9.00 dB on the voicebank-demand dataset. We release the source code at https://github.com/bytedance/uss

Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Xinhao Mei, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Simple Pooling Front-Ends for Efficient Audio Classification, In: Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023)pp. 1-5 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Recently, there has been increasing interest in building efficient audio neural networks for on-device scenarios. Most existing approaches are designed to reduce the size of audio neural networks using methods such as model pruning. In this work, we show that instead of reducing model size using complex methods, eliminating the temporal redundancy in the input audio features (e.g., mel-spectrogram) could be an effective approach for efficient audio classification. To do so, we proposed a family of simple pooling front-ends (SimPFs) which use simple non-parametric pooling operations to reduce the redundant information within the mel-spectrogram. We perform extensive experiments on four audio classification tasks to evaluate the performance of SimPFs. Experimental results show that SimPFs can achieve a reduction in more than half of the number of floating point operations (FLOPs) for off-the-shelf audio neural networks, with negligible degradation or even some improvements in audio classification performance.

Xubo Liu, Qiuqiang Kong, Yan Zhao, Haohe Liu, Yi Yuan, Yuzhuo Liu, Rui Xia, Yuxuan Wang, Mark Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Separate Anything You Describe, In: Official implementation of "Separate Anything You Describe": source code, evaluation benchmark and pre-trained model Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Language-queried audio source separation (LASS) is a new paradigm for computational auditory scene analysis (CASA). LASS aims to separate a target sound from an audio mixture given a natural language query, which provides a natural and scalable interface for digital audio applications. Recent works on LASS, despite attaining promising separation performance on specific sources (e.g., musical instruments, limited classes of audio events), are unable to separate audio concepts in the open domain. In this work, we introduce AudioSep, a foundation model for open-domain audio source separation with natural language queries. We train AudioSep on large-scale multimodal datasets and extensively evaluate its capabilities on numerous tasks including audio event separation, musical instrument separation, and speech enhancement. AudioSep demonstrates strong separation performance and impressive zero-shot generalization ability using audio captions or text labels as queries, substantially outperforming previous audio-queried and language-queried sound separation models. For reproducibility of this work, we will release the source code, evaluation benchmark and pre-trained model at: https://github.com/Audio-AGI/AudioSep.


Audio captioning aims at using language to describe the content of an audio clip. Existing audio captioning systems are generally based on an encoder-decoder architecture, in which acoustic information is extracted by an audio encoder and then a language decoder is used to generate the captions. Training an audio captioning system often encounters the problem of data scarcity. Transferring knowledge from pre-trained audio models such as Pre-trained Audio Neural Networks (PANNs) have recently emerged as a useful method to mitigate this issue. However, there is less attention on exploiting pre-trained language models for the decoder, compared with the encoder. BERT is a pre-trained language model that has been extensively used in natural language processing tasks. Nevertheless, the potential of using BERT as the language decoder for audio captioning has not been investigated. In this study, we demonstrate the efficacy of the pre-trained BERT model for audio captioning. Specifically, we apply PANNs as the encoder and initialize the decoder from the publicly available pre-trained BERT models. We conduct an empirical study on the use of these BERT models for the decoder in the audio captioning model. Our models achieve competitive results with the existing audio captioning methods on the AudioCaps dataset.

Jinzheng Zhao, Yong Xu, Xinyuan Qian, Haohe Liu, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2024)Attention-Based End-to-End Differentiable Particle Filter for Audio Speaker Tracking, In: IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing5pp. 449-458 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Particle filters (PFs) have been widely used in speaker tracking due to their capability in modeling a non-linear process or a non-Gaussian environment. However, particle filters are limited by several issues. For example, pre-defined handcrafted measurements are often used which can limit the model performance. In addition, the transition and update models are often preset which make PF less flexible to be adapted to different scenarios. To address these issues, we propose an end-to-end differentiable particle filter framework by employing the multi-head attention to model the long-range dependencies. The proposed model employs the self-attention as the learned transition model and the cross-attention as the learned update model. To our knowledge, this is the first proposal of combining particle filter and transformer for speaker tracking, where the measurement extraction, transition and update steps are integrated into an end-to-end architecture. Experimental results show that the proposed model achieves superior performance over the recurrent baseline models.

Ines Nolasco, Shubhr Singh, Veronica Morfi, Vincent Lostanlen, Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, Ester Vidana-Vila, Lisa Gill, Hanna Pamula, Helen Whitehead, Ivan Kiskin, Frants H. Jensen, Joe Morford, Michael G. Emmerson, Elisabetta Versace, Emily Grout, Haohe Liu, Burooj Ghani, Dan Stowell Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples, In: Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples

Automatic detection and classification of animal sounds has many applications in biodiversity monitoring and animal behavior. In the past twenty years, the volume of digitised wildlife sound available has massively increased, and automatic classification through deep learning now shows strong results. However, bioacoustics is not a single task but a vast range of small-scale tasks (such as individual ID, call type, emotional indication) with wide variety in data characteristics, and most bioacoustic tasks do not come with strongly-labelled training data. The standard paradigm of supervised learning, focussed on a single large-scale dataset and/or a generic pretrained algorithm, is insufficient. In this work we recast bioacoustic sound event detection within the AI framework of few-shot learning. We adapt this framework to sound event detection, such that a system can be given the annotated start/end times of as few as 5 events, and can then detect events in long-duration audio-even when the sound category was not known at the time of algorithm training. We introduce a collection of open datasets designed to strongly test a system's ability to perform few-shot sound event detections, and we present the results of a public contest to address the task. Our analysis shows that prototypical networks are a very common used strategy and they perform well when enhanced with adaptations for general characteristics of animal sounds. However, systems with high time resolution capabilities perform the best in this challenge. We demonstrate that widely-varying sound event durations are an important factor in performance, as well as nonstationarity, i.e. gradual changes in conditions throughout the duration of a recording. For fine-grained bioacoustic recognition tasks without massive annotated training data, our analysis demonstrate that few-shot sound event detection is a powerful new method, strongly outperforming traditional signal-processing detection methods in the fully automated scenario.

Ines Nolasco, Shubhr Singh, Veronica Morfi, Vincent Lostanlen, Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, Ester Vidaña-Vila, Lisa Gill, Hanna Pamuła, Helen Whitehead, Ivan Kiskin, Frants H. Jensen, Joe Morford, Michael G. Emmerson, Elisabetta Versace, Emily Grout, Haohe Liu, Burooj Ghani, Dan Stowell (2023)Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples, In: Learning to detect an animal sound from five examples Elsevier

Automatic detection and classification of animal sounds has many applications in biodiversity monitoring and animal behavior. In the past twenty years, the volume of digitised wildlife sound available has massively increased, and automatic classification through deep learning now shows strong results. However, bioacoustics is not a single task but a vast range of small-scale tasks (such as individual ID, call type, emotional indication) with wide variety in data characteristics, and most bioacoustic tasks do not come with strongly-labelled training data. The standard paradigm of supervised learning, focussed on a single large-scale dataset and/or a generic pretrained algorithm, is insufficient. In this work we recast bioacoustic sound event detection within the AI framework of few-shot learning. We adapt this framework to sound event detection, such that a system can be given the annotated start/end times of as few as 5 events, and can then detect events in long-duration audio-even when the sound category was not known at the time of algorithm training. We introduce a collection of open datasets designed to strongly test a system's ability to perform few-shot sound event detections, and we present the results of a public contest to address the task. Our analysis shows that prototypical networks are a very common used strategy and they perform well when enhanced with adaptations for general characteristics of animal sounds. However, systems with high time resolution capabilities perform the best in this challenge. We demonstrate that widely-varying sound event durations are an important factor in performance, as well as nonstationarity, i.e. gradual changes in conditions throughout the duration of a recording. For fine-grained bioacoustic recognition tasks without massive annotated training data, our analysis demonstrate that few-shot sound event detection is a powerful new method, strongly outperforming traditional signal-processing detection methods in the fully automated scenario.

Yi Yuan, Zhuo Chen, Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Xuenan Xu, Dongya Jia, Yuanzhe Chen, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2024)T-CLAP: Temporal-enhanced contrastive language-audio pretraining, In: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (IEEE MLSP 2024) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Contrastive language-audio pretraining (CLAP) has been developed to align the representations of audio and language, achieving remarkable performance in retrieval and classification tasks. However, current CLAP struggles to capture temporal information within audio and text features, presenting substantial limitations for tasks such as audio retrieval and generation. To address this gap, we introduce T-CLAP, a temporal-enhanced CLAP model. We use Large Language Models (LLMs) and mixed-up strategies to generate temporal-contrastive captions for audio clips from extensive audio-text datasets. Subsequently, a new temporal-focused contrastive loss is designed to fine-tune the CLAP model by incorporating these synthetic data. We conduct comprehensive experiments and analysis in multiple downstream tasks. T-CLAP shows improved capability in capturing the temporal relationship of sound events and outperforms state-of-the-art models by a significant margin. Our code and models will be released soon.

Haohe Liu, Yi Yuan, Xubo Liu, Xinhao Mei, Qiuqiang Kong, Qiao Tian, Yuping Wang, Wenwu Wang, Yuxuan Wang, Mark D. Plumbley (2024)AudioLDM 2: Learning holistic audio generation with self-supervised pretraining, In: AudioLDM 2: Learning Holistic Audio Generation with Self-supervised Pretraining Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

Although audio generation shares commonalities across different types of audio, such as speech, music, and sound effects, designing models for each type requires careful consideration of specific objectives and biases that can significantly differ from those of other types. To bring us closer to a unified perspective of audio generation, this paper proposes a holistic framework that utilizes the same learning method for speech, music, and sound effect generation. Our framework utilizes a general representation of audio, called “language of audio” (LOA). Any audio can be translated into LOA based on AudioMAE, a self-supervised pre-trained representation learning model. In the generation process, we translate other modalities into LOA by using a GPT-2 model, and we perform self-supervised audio generation learning with a latent diffusion model conditioned on the LOA of audio in our training set. The proposed framework naturally brings advantages such as reusable self-supervised pretrained latent diffusion models. Experiments on the major benchmarks of text-to-audio, text-to-music, and text-to-speech with three AudioLDM 2 variants demonstrate competitive performance of the AudioLDM 2 framework against previous approaches.

Xuenan Xu, Haohe Liu, Mengyue Wu, Wenwu Wang, Mark D Plumbley (2024)Efficient Audio Captioning with Encoder-Level Knowledge Distillation

Significant improvement has been achieved in automated audio captioning (AAC) with recent models. However, these models have become increasingly large as their performance is enhanced. In this work, we propose a knowledge distillation (KD) framework for AAC. Our analysis shows that in the encoder-decoder based AAC models, it is more effective to dis-till knowledge into the encoder as compared with the decoder. To this end, we incorporate encoder-level KD loss into training, in addition to the standard supervised loss and sequence-level KD loss. We investigate two encoder-level KD methods, based on mean squared error (MSE) loss and contrastive loss, respectively. Experimental results demonstrate that contrastive KD is more robust than MSE KD, exhibiting superior performance in data-scarce situations. By leveraging audio-only data into training in the KD framework, our student model achieves competitive performance, with an inference speed that is 19 times faster.

Zhaoyu Wang, Haohe Liu, Harry Coppock, Björn Schuller, Mark D. Plumbley (2024)Neural Compression Augmentation for Contrastive Audio Representation Learning International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

The choice of data augmentation is pivotal in contrastive self-supervised learning. Current augmentation techniques for audio data, such as the widely used Random Resize Crop (RRC), underperform in pitch-sensitive music tasks and lack generalisation across various types of audio. This study aims to address these limitations by introducing Neural Compression Augmentation (NCA), an approach based on lossy neural compression. We use the Audio Barlow Twins (ABT), a contrastive self-supervised framework for audio, as our backbone. We experiment with both NCA and several baseline augmentation methods in the augmentation block of ABT and train the models on AudioSet. Experimental results show that models integrated with NCA considerably surpass the original performance of ABT, especially in the music tasks of the HEAR benchmark, demonstrating the effectiveness of compression-based augmentation for audio contrastive self-supervised learning.

Haohe Liu, Zehua Chen, Yi Yuan, Xinhao Mei, Xubo Liu, Danilo Mandic, Wenwu Wang, Mark D. Plumbley (2023)AudioLDM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Diffusion Models Zenodo

Text-to-audio (TTA) system has recently gained attention for its ability to synthesize general audio based on text descriptions. However, previous studies in TTA have limited generation quality with high computational costs. In this study, we propose AudioLDM, a TTA system that is built on a latent space to learn the continuous audio representations from contrastive language-audio pretraining (CLAP) latents. The pretrained CLAP models enable us to train LDMs with audio embedding while providing text embedding as a condition during sampling. By learning the latent representations of audio signals and their compositions without modeling the cross-modal relationship, AudioLDM is advantageous in both generation quality and computational efficiency. Trained on AudioCaps with a single GPU, AudioLDM achieves state-of-the-art TTA performance measured by both objective and subjective metrics (e.g., frechet distance). Moreover, AudioLDM is the first TTA system that enables various text-guided audio manipulations (e.g., style transfer) in a zero-shot fashion. Our implementation and demos are available at https://audioldm.github.io. Demo and implementation at https://audioldm.github.io. Evaluation toolbox at https://github.com/haoheliu/audioldm_eval

Yi Yuan, Haohe Liu, Xubo Liu, Qiushi Huang, Mark D Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Retrieval-Augmented Text-to-Audio Generation

Despite recent progress in text-to-audio (TTA) generation, we show that the state-of-the-art models, such as AudioLDM, trained on datasets with an imbalanced class distribution, such as AudioCaps, are biased in their generation performance. Specifically, they excel in generating common audio classes while underperforming in the rare ones, thus degrading the overall generation performance. We refer to this problem as long-tailed text-to-audio generation. To address this issue, we propose a simple retrieval-augmented approach for TTA models. Specifically, given an input text prompt, we first leverage a Contrastive Language Audio Pretraining (CLAP) model to retrieve relevant text-audio pairs. The features of the retrieved audio-text data are then used as additional conditions to guide the learning of TTA models. We enhance AudioLDM with our proposed approach and denote the resulting augmented system as Re-AudioLDM. On the AudioCaps dataset, Re-AudioLDM achieves a state-of-the-art Frechet Audio Distance (FAD) of 1.37, outperforming the existing approaches by a large margin. Furthermore, we show that Re-AudioLDM can generate realistic audio for complex scenes, rare audio classes, and even unseen audio types, indicating its potential in TTA tasks.

Jinhua Liang, Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Huy Phan, Emmanouil Benetos, Mark David Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Adapting Language-Audio Models as Few-Shot Audio Learners, In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2023pp. 276-280 International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)

Contrastive language-audio pretraining (CLAP) has become a new paradigm to learn audio concepts with audio-text pairs. CLAP models have shown unprecedented performance as zero-shot classifiers on downstream tasks. To further adapt CLAP with domain-specific knowledge, a popular method is to fine-tune its audio encoder with available labelled examples. However, this is challenging in low-shot scenarios, as the amount of annotations is limited compared to the model size. In this work, we introduce a Training-efficient (Treff) adapter to rapidly learn with a small set of examples while maintaining the capacity for zero-shot classification. First, we propose a crossattention linear model (CALM) to map a set of labelled examples and test audio to test labels. Second, we find initialising CALM as a cosine measurement improves our Treff adapter even without training. The Treff adapter outperforms metricbased methods in few-shot settings and yields competitive results to fully-supervised methods.

Sounds carry an abundance of information about activities and events in our everyday environment, such as traffic noise, road works, music, or people talking. Recent machine learning methods, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have been shown to be able to automatically recognize sound activities, a task known as audio tagging. One such method, pre-trained audio neural networks (PANNs), provides a neural network which has been pre-trained on over 500 sound classes from the publicly available AudioSet dataset, and can be used as a baseline or starting point for other tasks. However, the existing PANNs model has a high computational complexity and large storage requirement. This could limit the potential for deploying PANNs on resource-constrained devices, such as on-the-edge sound sensors, and could lead to high energy consumption if many such devices were deployed. In this paper, we reduce the computational complexity and memory requirement of the PANNs model by taking a pruning approach to eliminate redundant parameters from the PANNs model. The resulting Efficient PANNs (E-PANNs) model, which requires 36% less computations and 70% less memory, also slightly improves the sound recognition (audio tagging) performance. The code for the E-PANNs model has been released under an open source license.

Yi Yuan, Haohe Liu, Jinhua Liang, Xubo Liu, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Leveraging Pre-Trained AudioLDM for Sound Generation: A Benchmark Study, In: 2023 31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)pp. 765-769 EURASIP

Deep neural networks have recently achieved break-throughs in sound generation. Despite the outstanding sample quality, current sound generation models face issues on small-scale datasets (e.g., overfitting), significantly limiting performance. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate the benefits of pre-training on sound generation with AudioLDM, the cutting-edge model for audio generation, as the backbone. Our study demonstrates the advantages of the pre-trained AudioLDM, especially in data-scarcity scenarios. In addition, the baselines and evaluation protocol for sound generation systems are not consistent enough to compare different studies directly. Aiming to facilitate further study on sound generation tasks, we benchmark the sound generation task on various frequently-used datasets. We hope our results on transfer learning and benchmarks can provide references for further research on conditional sound generation.

Meng Cui, Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Zhuangzhuang Du, Tao Chen, Guoping Lian, Daoliang Li, Wenwu Wang Multimodal Fish Feeding Intensity Assessment in Aquaculture

Fish feeding intensity assessment (FFIA) aims to evaluate the intensity change of fish appetite during the feeding process, which is vital in industrial aquaculture applications. The main challenges surrounding FFIA are two-fold. 1) robustness: existing work has mainly leveraged single-modality (e.g., vision, audio) methods, which have a high sensitivity to input noise. 2) efficiency: FFIA models are generally expected to be employed on devices. This presents a challenge in terms of computational efficiency. In this work, we first introduce an audio-visual dataset, called AV-FFIA. AV-FFIA consists of 27,000 labeled audio and video clips that capture different levels of fish feeding intensity. To our knowledge, AV-FFIA is the first large-scale multimodal dataset for FFIA research. Then, we introduce a multi-modal approach for FFIA by leveraging single-modality pre-trained models and modality-fusion methods, with benchmark studies on AV-FFIA. Our experimental results indicate that the multi-modal approach substantially outperforms the single-modality based approach, especially in noisy environments. While multimodal approaches provide a performance gain for FFIA, it inherently increase the computational cost. To overcome this issue, we further present a novel unified model, termed as U-FFIA. U-FFIA is a single model capable of processing audio, visual, or audio-visual modalities, by leveraging modality dropout during training and knowledge distillation from single-modality pre-trained models. We demonstrate that U-FFIA can achieve performance better than or on par with the state-of-the-art modality-specific FFIA models, with significantly lower computational overhead. Our proposed U-FFIA approach enables a more robust and efficient method for FFIA, with the potential to contribute to improved management practices and sustainability in aquaculture.

Feiyang Xiao, Qiaoxi Zhu, Jian Guan, Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Kejia Zhang, Wenwu Wang (2023)Synth-AC: Enhancing Audio Captioning with Synthetic Supervision, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Data-driven approaches hold promise for audio captioning. However, the development of audio captioning methods can be biased due to the limited availability and quality of text-audio data. This paper proposes a SynthAC framework, which leverages recent advances in audio generative models and commonly available text corpus to create synthetic text-audio pairs, thereby enhancing text-audio representation. Specifically, the text-to-audio generation model, i.e., AudioLDM, is used to generate synthetic audio signals with captions from an image captioning dataset. Our SynthAC expands the availability of well-annotated captions from the text-vision domain to audio captioning, thus enhancing text-audio representation by learning relations within synthetic text-audio pairs. Experiments demonstrate that our SynthAC framework can benefit audio captioning models by incorporating well-annotated text corpus from the text-vision domain, offering a promising solution to the challenge caused by data scarcity. Furthermore, SynthAC can be easily adapted to various state-of-the-art methods, leading to substantial performance improvements.

Yi Yuan, Haohe Liu, Xubo Liu, Xiyuan Kang, Peipei Wu, Mark Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Text-Driven Foley Sound Generation With Latent Diffusion Model, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Foley sound generation aims to synthesise the background sound for multimedia content. Previous models usually employ a large development set with labels as input (e.g., single numbers or one-hot vector). In this work, we propose a diffusion model based system for Foley sound generation with text conditions. To alleviate the data scarcity issue, our model is initially pre-trained with large-scale datasets and fine-tuned to this task via transfer learning using the contrastive language-audio pertaining (CLAP) technique. We have observed that the feature embedding extracted by the text encoder can significantly affect the performance of the generation model. Hence, we introduce a trainable layer after the encoder to improve the text embedding produced by the encoder. In addition, we further refine the generated waveform by generating multiple candidate audio clips simultaneously and selecting the best one, which is determined in terms of the similarity score between the embedding of the candidate clips and the embedding of the target text label. Using the proposed method, our system ranks \({1}^{st}\) among the systems submitted to DCASE Challenge 2023 Task 7. The results of the ablation studies illustrate that the proposed techniques significantly improve sound generation performance. The codes for implementing the proposed system are available online.

Yi Yuan, Haohe Liu, Xubo Liu, Xiyuan Kang, Mark Plumbley, Wenwu Wang (2023)Latent Diffusion Model Based Foley Sound Generation System For DCASE Challenge 2023 Task 7, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Foley sound presents the background sound for multimedia content and the generation of Foley sound involves computationally modelling sound effects with specialized techniques. In this work, we proposed a system for DCASE 2023 challenge task 7: Foley Sound Synthesis. The proposed system is based on AudioLDM, which is a diffusion-based text-to-audio generation model. To alleviate the data-hungry problem, the system first trained with large-scale datasets and then downstreamed into this DCASE task via transfer learning. Through experiments, we found out that the feature extracted by the encoder can significantly affect the performance of the generation model. Hence, we improve the results by leveraging the input label with related text embedding features obtained by a significant language model, i.e., contrastive language-audio pertaining (CLAP). In addition, we utilize a filtering strategy to further refine the output, i.e. by selecting the best results from the candidate clips generated in terms of the similarity score between the sound and target labels. The overall system achieves a Frechet audio distance (FAD) score of 4.765 on average among all seven different classes, substantially outperforming the baseline system which performs a FAD score of 9.7.

Hejing Zhang, Qiaoxi Zhu, Jian Guan, Haohe Liu, Feiyang Xiao, Jiantong Tian, Xinhao Mei, Xubo Liu, Wenwu Wang (2023)First-Shot Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection With Unknown Anomalies Estimated by Metadata-Assisted Audio Generation, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

First-shot (FS) unsupervised anomalous sound detection (ASD) is a brand-new task introduced in DCASE 2023 Challenge Task 2, where the anomalous sounds for the target machine types are unseen in training. Existing methods often rely on the availability of normal and abnormal sound data from the target machines. However, due to the lack of anomalous sound data for the target machine types, it becomes challenging when adapting the existing ASD methods to the first-shot task. In this paper, we propose a new framework for the first-shot unsupervised ASD, where metadata-assisted audio generation is used to estimate unknown anomalies, by utilising the available machine information (i.e., metadata and sound data) to fine-tune a text-to-audio generation model for generating the anomalous sounds that contain unique acoustic characteristics accounting for each different machine types. We then use the method of Time-Weighted Frequency domain audio Representation with Gaussian Mixture Model (TWFR-GMM) as the backbone to achieve the first-shot unsupervised ASD. Our proposed FS-TWFR-GMM method achieves competitive performance amongst top systems in DCASE 2023 Challenge Task 2, while requiring only 1% model parameters for detection, as validated in our experiments.

Haohe Liu, Ke Chen, Qiao Tian, Wenwu Wang, Mark Plumbley (2023)AudioSR: Versatile Audio Super-resolution at Scale, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Audio super-resolution is a fundamental task that predicts high-frequency components for low-resolution audio, enhancing audio quality in digital applications. Previous methods have limitations such as the limited scope of audio types (e.g., music, speech) and specific bandwidth settings they can handle (e.g., 4kHz to 8kHz). In this paper, we introduce a diffusion-based generative model, AudioSR, that is capable of performing robust audio super-resolution on versatile audio types, including sound effects, music, and speech. Specifically, AudioSR can upsample any input audio signal within the bandwidth range of 2kHz to 16kHz to a high-resolution audio signal at 24kHz bandwidth with a sampling rate of 48kHz. Extensive objective evaluation on various audio super-resolution benchmarks demonstrates the strong result achieved by the proposed model. In addition, our subjective evaluation shows that AudioSR can acts as a plug-and-play module to enhance the generation quality of a wide range of audio generative models, including AudioLDM, Fastspeech2, and MusicGen. Our code and demo are available at https://audioldm.github.io/audiosr.

Haohe Liu, Zehua Chen, Yi Yuan, Xinhao Mei, Xubo Liu, Danilo Mandic, Wenwu Wang, Mark Plumbley (2023)AudioLDM: Text-to-Audio Generation with Latent Diffusion Models, In: arXiv.org Cornell University Library, arXiv.org

Text-to-audio (TTA) system has recently gained attention for its ability to synthesize general audio based on text descriptions. However, previous studies in TTA have limited generation quality with high computational costs. In this study, we propose AudioLDM, a TTA system that is built on a latent space to learn the continuous audio representations from contrastive language-audio pretraining (CLAP) latents. The pretrained CLAP models enable us to train LDMs with audio embedding while providing text embedding as a condition during sampling. By learning the latent representations of audio signals and their compositions without modeling the cross-modal relationship, AudioLDM is advantageous in both generation quality and computational efficiency. Trained on AudioCaps with a single GPU, AudioLDM achieves state-of-the-art TTA performance measured by both objective and subjective metrics (e.g., frechet distance). Moreover, AudioLDM is the first TTA system that enables various text-guided audio manipulations (e.g., style transfer) in a zero-shot fashion. Our implementation and demos are available at https://audioldm.github.io.

Haohe Liu, QIUQIANG KONG, Xubo Liu, Xinhao Mei, Wenwu Wang, Mark David Plumbley (2023)Ontology-aware Learning and Evaluation for Audio Tagging

This study defines a new evaluation metric for audio tagging tasks to alleviate the limitation of the mean average precision (mAP) metric. The mAP metric treats different kinds of sound as independent classes without considering their relations. The proposed metric, ontology-aware mean average precision (OmAP), addresses the weaknesses of mAP by utilizing additional on-tology during evaluation. Specifically, we reweight the false positive events in the model prediction based on the AudioSet ontology graph distance to the target classes. The OmAP also provides insights into model performance by evaluating different coarse-grained levels in the ontology graph. We conduct a human assessment and show that OmAP is more consistent with human perception than mAP. We also propose an ontology-based loss function (OBCE) that reweights binary cross entropy (BCE) loss based on the ontology distance. Our experiment shows that OBCE can improve both mAP and OmAP metrics on the AudioSet tagging task.

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