Jigar Dubal

Postgraduate Researcher in Optical Tomography for Functional Image-Guided Radiotherapy
MRes in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, BSc in Physics


Jigar Dubal, Pedro Arce, Christopher South, Lucia Magdalena Florescu (2022)Cherenkov light emission in molecular radiation therapy of the thyroid and its application to dosimetry, In: Biomedical optics express13(4)pp. 2431-2449 Optica

Numerical experiments based on Monte Carlo simulations and clinical CT data are performed to investigate the spatial and spectral characteristics of Cherenkov light emission and the relationship between Cherenkov light intensity and deposited dose in molecular radiotherapy of hyperthyroidism and papillary thyroid carcinoma. It is found that Cherenkov light is emitted mostly in the treatment volume, the spatial distribution of Cherenkov light at the surface of the patient presents high-value regions at locations that depend on the symmetry and location of the treatment volume, and the surface light in the near-infrared spectral region originates from the treatment site. The effect of inter-patient variability in the tissue optical parameters and radioisotope uptake on the linear relationship between the dose absorbed by the treatment volume and Cherenkov light intensity at the surface of the patient is investigated, and measurements of surface light intensity for which this effect is minimal are identified. The use of Cherenkov light measurements at the patient surface for molecular radiation therapy dosimetry is also addressed.

We perform numerical experiments based on Monte Carlo simulations and clinical CT data to investigate Cherenkov light emission in molecular radiation therapy of hyperthyroidism, and demonstrate that Cherenkov light-based dosimetry could be feasible.