Juan Carluccio

Professor Juan Carluccio

Professor in International Trade



Juan Carluccio joined Surrey Business School in 2013. He holds a PhD in Economics from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and Paris School of Economics, an Msc Economics from the LSE and a Bachelor in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires. From 2010 he works as researcher in the Bank of France, and his previous working experience includes the Ministry of Finance of Argentina, the WTO and the headquarters of Nestle SA. Juan has previously taught at Sorbonne University and Paris School of Economics and held postdoc positions at College de France and the CEP at LSE.

Research interests

  • International Trade
  • Multinational firms, outsourcing, offshoring
  • Trade and finance
  • Labor market effects of trade


  • International Trade
  • Comparative Country Studies

Social Media

Website: www.juancarluccio.com

My qualifications

MSc Economics
London School of Economics
MA in Economics
Paris School of Economics
PhD in Economics
Paris School of Economics
BA in Economics
University of Buenos Aires



Juan Carluccio, Erwan Gautier, Sophie Guilloux-Nefussi (2023)Dissecting the impact of imports from low-wage countries on inflation, In: European economic review160pp. 1-22 Zentralbibliothek der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Juan Carluccio, Erwan Gautier, Sophie Guilloux-Nefussi (2023)Dissecting the impact of imports from low-wage countries on inflation, In: European economic review160pp. 1-22 Zentralbibliothek der Wirtschaftswissenschaften in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Juan Carluccio, Erwan Gautier, Sophie Guilloux-Nefussi (2023)Dissecting the impact of imports from low-wage countries on inflation, In: European economic review160104613 Elsevier

Using micro data on import values and quantities by product and countries of origin, we quantify the effect of imports of consumption-goods from low-wage countries (LWCs) on inflation in France from 1994 to 2014. Imports of varieties produced in LWCs affect the cost-of-living price index through pure-price and taste-shift variations (which, conditional on prices, drive expenditure shares). The pure-price effect includes both the contribution of imported inflation (given the share of imports in consumption) and the effect of imports of intermediate goods from LWCs on domestic prices. The taste shock effect cannot be directly observed but is recovered from actual expenditure shares and relative prices. We derive an expression of inflation that allows us to disentangle the impact of imports of consumption goods from LWCs on cost-ofliving versus CPI inflation – the latter abstracting for composition effects. Overall, we estimate that imports from LWCs lowered CPI inflation by 0.02 pp per year on average, and had a much larger effect on cost-of-living inflation (between 0.13 to 0.20 pp per year depending on how we measure unit values).

Juan Carluccio, I Ekeland, R Guesnerie (2017)Fragmentation and Wage Inequality: Insights from a Simple Model, In: Annals of Economics and Statistics. SPECIAL ISSUE IN HONOR OF EDMOND MALINVAUD (1923–2015)(125/6)pp. 113-134 Association pour le développement de la recherché en économie et en statistique

We develop a simple model to study how globalization affects wage inequalities. The model features three goods, one is an “international” good, and two are local non-tradable goods. The non-tradable goods are produced by local labor, either skilled or unskilled, while labor of all types and all origins contribute to the production of the international good. We find that increasing participation of the South in global production and consumption lead to an increase in wage inequalities in the North. Higher South integration into global value chains reduces North-South wage inequalities.

JF Carluccio, T Fally (2013)Foreign Entry and Spillovers with Technological Incompatibilities in the Supply Chain, In: Journal of International Economics.90(1)pp. 123-135

Does foreign entry improve host country productivity and welfare? Previous studies have looked at the role of backward linkages with domestic suppliers and their effects on domestic competitors. In this paper, we study how these externalities are affected by technological incompatibilities between foreign and domestic technologies. When foreign technologies require specialized inputs, some local suppliers self-select into production for multinational firms. A decrease in the cost of inputs compatible with the foreign technology has heterogeneous effects. It benefits foreign firms and the most productive downstream domestic firms that adopt the foreign technology, and negatively affects firms using the domestic technology. Technological incompatibilities reduce the welfare gains from openness to FDI, but this negative effect can be overcome by domestic technology adoption. The model's predictions are consistent with the stylized facts drawn from the empirical literature on FDI spillovers.

JF Carluccio, T Fally (2012)Global Sourcing under Capital Markets, In: The Review of Economics and Statistics94(3)pp. 740-763 MIT press

We develop a simple model to study the interactions between a supplier's financial constraints and contract incompleteness in a vertical relationship. Applied to the analysis of multinational firms' sourcing strategies, the model predicts: (i) that complex and specific inputs are more likely to be sourced from financially developed countries and (ii) that multinationals are more likely to integrate suppliers located in countries with poor financial institutions, especially when trade involves complex goods. These predictions are examined and validated using firm-level trade data on multinational firms with operations in France.

JF Carluccio, M Bas (2015)The Impact of Worker Bargaining Power on the Organization of Global Firms, In: Journal of International Economics96(1)pp. 162-181

Do variations in labor market institutions affect the cross-border organization of the firm? Using firm-level data on multinationals located in France, we show that firms are more likely to outsource the production of intermediate inputs to external suppliers when importing from countries with high worker bargaining power. This effect is stronger for firms operating in capital-intensive and differentiated industries. We propose a theoretical mechanism that rationalizes these findings. The fragmentation of the value chain weakens the workers' bargaining position, by limiting the amount of revenues that are subject to union extraction. The outsourcing strategy reduces the share of surplus that is appropriated by the union, which enhances the firm's incentives to invest. Since investment creates relatively more value in capital-intensive industries, increases in worker bargaining power are more likely to be conducive to outsourcing in those industries. Overall, our findings suggest that global firms choose their organizational structure strategically when sourcing intermediate inputs from markets where worker bargaining power is high.

JF Carluccio, D Fougere, E Gautier (2015)Trade, Wages, and Collective Bargaining: Evidence from France, In: ECON J125(584)pp. 803-837 BLACKWELL PUBL LTD

We estimate the impact of international trade on wages using data for French manufacturing firms. We instrument firm-level trade flows with firm-specific instrumental variables based on world demand and supply shocks. Both export and offshoring shocks have a positive effect on wages. Exports increase wages for all occupational categories while offshoring has heterogeneous effects. The impact of trade on wages varies across bargaining regimes. In firms with collective bargaining, the elasticity of wages with respect to exports and offshoring is higher than in firms with no collective bargaining. Wage gains associated with collective bargaining are similar across worker categories.

Juan Carluccio, Alejandro Cuñat, Harald Fadinger, Christian Fons-Rosen (2019)Offshoring and Skill-upgrading in French Manufacturing, In: Journal of International Economics118pp. 138-159 Elsevier

Using French manufacturing firm-level data for the years 1996-2007, we uncover a novel set of stylized facts about offshoring behavior: (i) Low-productivity firms ("non-importers") obtain most of their inputs domestically. (ii) Medium-productivity firms offshore skill-intensive inputs to skill-abundant countries and are more labor intensive in their domestic production than non-importers. (iii) Higher-productivity firms additionally offshore labor-intensive inputs to labor-abundant countries and are more skill intensive than non-importers. We develop a model in which heterogeneous firms, subject to fixed costs, can offshore intermediate inputs of different skill intensities to countries with different skill abundance. This leads to endogenous within-industry variation in domestic skill intensities. We provide econometric evidence supporting the factor-proportions channel through which reductions in offshoring costs to labor-abundant countries have significantly increased firm-level skill intensities of French manufacturers.

JUAN FRANCISCO CARLUCCIO, Clément Mazet-Sonilhac, Jean-Stéphane Mésonnier (2021)Private firms, corporate investment and the WACC: evidence from France, In: The European Journal of FinanceRoutledge

How is corporate investment affected by the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)? Since existing studies focus on listed firms, little is known of the case of private firms, in spite of their relevance in both developed and developing economies. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap. We develop an empirical study on the impact of the WACC on private firms' investment rates. We exploit accounting information on a panel of around 1700 French private corporate groups in the non-farm, non-financial sectors, covering the period 2005–2015. We overcome the challenge posed by the lack of observable information about the cost of equity for private firms by developing a methodology that relies on estimates for comparable public firms. We find that a one-standard deviation increase in the WACC (2 percentage points) leads to a 0.7 percentage point decrease in the investment rate the following year. Increases in both components of the WACC, namely the cost of debt and the cost of equity, are associated with lower investment rates. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that the heightened WACC following the euro area crises reduced the aggregate corporate investment rate of French private firms by a cumulative 1.6 percentage points over 2009–2015.

JF Carluccio (2013)Corporate finance and economic activity in the euro area European Central Bank