Dr Mona N. Sweilam

Postgraduate Researcher

Academic and research departments

Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.


My qualifications

BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University, Egypt
MSc Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University, Egypt

Previous roles

2013 - 2015
Assistant Lecturer
Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University, Egypt
2007 - 2013
Teaching Assistant
Faculty of Pharmacy, Helwan University, Egypt
2006 - 2007
Community Pharmacist

Affiliations and memberships

Associate member of Royal Society of Chemistry (AMRSC)


Research interests

Research projects

Research collaborations

Indicators of esteem

  • Conference presentations:

    • Keynote Presentation & Session Chair at the Biosensors 2018, 28th anniversary world congress on biosensors in Florida, USA (June 2018)
    • Poster Presentation at Doctoral college conference, University of Surrey, UK (July 2017)
    • 3-Minutes research competition at FEPS Festival of research, University of Surrey, UK (June 2017)
    • Poster Presentation at SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference, University of Southampton, UK (May 2017)
    • Oral Presentation at 5th International Conference on Bio-Sensing Technology in Italy (May 2017)
  • Awards and grants:

    • RSC Downland Prize for University of Surrey Postgraduate of the Year 2017-18 (9/2018).
    • Newton-Mosharafa PhD scholarship award (9/2015 - present)
    • RSC Researcher mobility grant (3/2018 - present)
    • RSC Travel Grants for PhD Students and Early Career Scientists (5/2018)
    • University of Surrey Postgraduate conference grant, FEPS faculty research support fund (FRSF) Award (3/2018)
    • RSC Overseas conference travel grant from the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund (4/2017)