Professor Patricia Pulham

Head of the School of Literature and Languages, Professor of Victorian Literature
+44 (0)1483 682822
01 LC 03

Academic and research departments

School of Literature and Languages.


Areas of specialism

Nineteenth-century literature and visual cultures; Decadence and Aestheticism; Neo-Victorianism

University roles and responsibilities

  • Director of Research


    Research interests


    Postgraduate research supervision


    Patricia Pulham (2008) Art and the Transitional Object in Vernon Lee's Supernatural Tales
    Patricia Pulham and Brad Beaven (2012) Dickens and the Victorian City
    Patricia Pulham et al (2015) Economies of Desire at the Victorian Fin de Siècle: Libidinal Lives
    Pulham et al (2014) Spiritualism, 1840–1930 (4 vols.)
    Patricia Pulham, Bran Nicol and Eugene McNulty (2010) Crime Cultures: Figuring Criminality in Literature, Media and Film
    Patricia Pulham and Catherine Maxwell (2006) Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales
    Patricia Pulham and Catherine Maxwell (2006) Vernon Lee: Decadence, Ethics, Aesthetics