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Sheeba Pathak

Postgraduate Research Student
Working towards a PhD | erstwhile MBA Operations | B.Tech Electronics Engineering

Academic and research departments

Business Analytics and Operations.


My research project

Affiliations and memberships

The OR Society
Affiliated with the OR Society
Institute of Directors
Member of Institute of Directors


Research interests

Research projects


(2021) Study on Sustainable Supply Chains’ Business
Impact: A Framework and Model Proposition

This paper is an attempt to study the best practices in the supply chain and operations arena of firms across sectors, and propose a framework and a model to arrive at profitable options and alternatives towards achieving sustainability. A test of a small-scale manufacturing apparel unit is taken to check the model; it is found that sub-functions of each supply chain component by itself can be used to reduce costs and achieve sustainability. Vendor sourcing, logistics, and manufacturer’s make-or-buy decision (buy) is used to emphasise the model’s sub-functions utility. Some sub-functions are not applicable for the case in question; however, the same is aimed towards manufacturing automobile firms to deploy in future researches

(2015) A Study on Flipkart’s Problem of Stock-Outs & Recommendations

The main aim of this study is to study the e-tailing industry in India and understand the nuances of the problem of stock-out. Thus, the leading e-tailing firm-Flipkart is selected for the same. With the advent of the internet and the increase in its usage; India is expected to observe a high surge of e-commerce. Thus, its inventory regulations are a cause of concern. The study explores the causes for the occurrence of stock-outs. This paper also sheds light on probable solutions to combat these constraints of inventory stock-outs. Apart from fundamental process changes and improvements, suggestions of a strong business intelligence system and integration via ERP systems is also recommended.

(2016) Benchmarking Supplier Network Collaboration

The supply chain requires the collaboration and synchronisation of each entity for the success of need fulfilment. Hence, entities cannot work in isolation. Thus, the need for collaborations with reference to not just customers and the manufacturer but also with the supplier is pivotal. ABC’s two suppliers are selected for the scope of the study. Their manufacturing processes are understood and the lead times are analysed. The researcher arrived at the conclusion that immense number of shortages amount due to lack of information sharing and transparency. Hence, with the help of IT support an effective supplier network is introduced and implemented for the supplier PQR Incorporation. This is then used as a benchmark for another supplier: XYZ Motors.

(2021) Enhancing Supplier Accountability in Automotive
Spare Parts Division

Automobile manufacturing firms rely heavily on their suppliers for timely production of vehicles. Hence, the ownership and responsibility of the suppliers’ delivery to the firm increases. However, following the 80-20 rule, suppliers too tend to cater to the firms that give them a fair share of business, along with a continuous flow. Some suppliers are able to adhere to these norms of providing the parts the purchasing firm demands; however, several are unable to do so. The issues of line stoppage, delays, and non-conformance of production arise because of delays, deficits, and no-show of critical parts. Thus, many firms not only resort to the ABC (Activity-Based Classification) of parts to test their inventories, but also classify their suppliers on a similar categorisation, depending on several parameters of deliverability, quality, and costs. This paper aims to highlight the poor performing suppliers’ reasons for poor performance, and suggests several solutions for improvement, after performing a historical analysis and performing gemba. The short-term solutions of alterations in plans and vendors allow room to achieve 100% delivery from the vendors, while long-term solutions of system ERP requirements allow management intervention to seek system software that eliminate non-value added (NVA) activities that are manual and are moved to an ERP system instead.