Digital employee management interfaces
Start date
May 2022End date
July 2022Overview
Digitalisation reshapes various industries. It transforms the working environment, job design and creates new work characteristics, providing implications for employee productivity and performance. However, the process of adopting digitalisation comes with unique challenges, including a resistant organisational culture and lack of interdepartmental collaboration and communication. Therefore, we are investigating the impact of digital employee management interfaces on employees' wellbeing and performances through a systematic literature review and interviews.
Funding amount
Seed Funding Grant
Principal investigator

Dr Tracy Xu
Associate Professor in Hospitality; Co-Director of Future of Work Research Centre
See profileCo-investigator

Dr Sumeetra Ramakrishnan
Associate Professor
My research interests lie within employment and opportunity perceptions of hospitality and tourism workers in low paid jobs with a particular focus on gender and ethnicity influences. I am also increasingly drawn towards innovation in learning content and pedagogy that would address the career ambitions and life aspirations of students besides fulfilling the requirements of the radically transforming hospitality industry..
My work has been published in various journals and as book chapters including Economic and Industrial Democracy, Journal of Services Research, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management and Service Industries Journal. I am also a reviewer for various management, tourism and hospitality journals. I have received research funding for various projects to facilitate my research in hospitality and tourism education and successfully supervised PhD students in hospitality and tourism research.
I have led projects on inclusive educational and organizational practices with the Surrey Institute of Education and partnered with social enterprises like Women in Travel and Travel Foundation towards creating equitable work opportunities for women entrepreneurs and business leaders. I sit on the University of Surrey’s Race Equality (RE) Steering Committee and was involved in the recent submission of the University’s RE Charter application. I am the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences EDI representative, and the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management’s AthenaSWAN impact lead. I am a consultant for Religious Literacy Partnership, with a particular interest in women of faith and contribute to BBC Surrey/Sussex on diversity in hospitality education and act as an expert contributor to Skill Boosters on inclusive work practices.