Early career researcher (ECR) reps
The ECR Forum represents the views and ideas of early career researchers from across the University.
How it works
There are two reps per department / school or centre who meet three to four times a year with members of the RDP and the Doctoral College, representatives of the Researcher Concordat Steering Group and the Athena Swan implementation group. The Chair of the ECR Forum sits on the University Research and Innovation Committee (URIC) to report actions arising from the forum and represent ECR issues.
If you are interested in becoming a rep please get in contact with your department's current rep or the Chair of the ECR Forum.
Minutes and documentation
- Minutes of ECR Forum meetings (University log-in required).
ECR Reps
ECR Lead
Name | School/department | |
Justin Read | School of Mathematics, Physics and Space | j.read@surrey.ac.uk |
ECR Chair
Name | School/department | |
Hannah Bolland | School of Veterinary Medicine | h.bolland@surrey.ac.uk |
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Name | School/department | |
Inja Stanovic | Department of Music and Media | i.stanovic@surrey.ac.uk |
Vacant | School of Economics | |
Masha Kyuseva | School of Literature and Languages | m.kyuseva@surrey.ac.uk |
Michael Richter | Department of Politics | m.m.richter@surrey.ac.uk |
Georgia Bowers | Guildford School of Acting | g.bowers@gsa.surrey.ac.uk |
Isabel Rodriguez | School of Hospitality and Tourism Management | isabel.rodriguez@surrey.ac.uk |
Sebastian Lewis | School of Law | sebastian.lewis@surrey.ac.uk |
Vacant | Department of Sociology | |
Hyeyoun Park | Surrey Business School | hy.park@surrey.ac.uk |
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Name | School/department | |
Siddharth Gadkari | School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | s.gadkari@surrey.ac.uk |
Elena Dawkins | Department of Sustainability, Civil and Environmental Engineering | e.dawkins@surrey.ac.uk |
Ehsan Toreini | Department of Computer Science and EEE | e.toreini@surrey.ac.uk |
Solomon Melides | School of Mathematics, Physics and Space | s.s.melides@surrey.ac.uk |
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Name | School | |
Yashwanth Subbannayya | School of Biosciences | y.subbannayya@surrey.ac.uk |
Katie Sutton | School of Health Sciences | k.sutton@surrey.ac.uk |
Tony Onoja | School of Health Sciences | a.onoja@surrey.ac.uk |
Mojtaba Soltanlou | School of Psychology | m.soltanlou@surrey.ac.uk |
Hannah Bolland | School of Veterinary Medicine | h.bolland@surrey.ac.uk |
Bronner Goncalves | School of Veterinary Medicine | b.goncalves@surrey.ac.uk |
Institute of Education
Name | School | |
Laura Barnett | Surrey Institute of Education | l.barnett@surrey.ac.uk |
Institute of People-Centred AI
Name | School | |
Marco Volino | Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) | marco.volino@surrey.ac.uk |
Institute of Sustainability
Name | School | |
Matteo Giusti | Institute of Sustainability | m.giusti@surrey.ac.uk |