Targeting and eligibility criteria
The Widening Participation and Outreach team works to raise the aspirations and educational attainment of students who are from non-selective state schools and colleges, in key stage 2-5 inclusive and who are in one or more of the under-represented groups listed below. A key priority of our work is also to work with colleges to target mature learners.
Under-represented groups
The WPO Department works with local non-selective state schools and colleges, predominantly working with students in Key Stages 2-5 and also through supporting mature learners. We prioritise supporting the groups below:
- Students from Low Participation Neighbourhoods (LPNs, defined as POLAR4 Quintiles 1 and 2 by OfS*
- Students from an area of high deprivation (Index of Multiple Deprivation, IMD) Quintiles 1 and 2**
- Students from a low-income family (eligible for Free School Meals in last six years)
- Care leavers and students in local authority care
- From families where parents/carers are in non-professional households (NS-SEC groups 4-8)
- From families with no parental history of HE participation
- Students classified as having a disability
- Young carers
- Mature learners
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Students estranged from their families
- Students who have a parent/carer who has served in the armed forces or reserves
- Students from Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic backgrounds
- Students from Gypsy, Roma or Irish Traveller (GRT) communities
- Students who identify as a New Traveller, Boater, Bargee or Showperson
*You can check if a student lives in an LPN (POLAR4 Quintile 1 or 2 by using the OfS online Postcode Lookup Tool.
** You can check your postcodes Index of Multiple Deprivation data using this online look up tool. Your postcode must be rated 1 -4 in column F.