Read the outputs from this project.
Behnejad, S. A., Parke, G. A. R. and Nooshin, H. (2015) ‘Teaching spatial structures: Who to teach, what to teach and how to teach’, Future Vision, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 17-22 August 2015 Amsterdam: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures.
Behnejad, S. A. (2016) ‘Benefits of full scale physical models in civil engineering education’, ASEE’s 123rd Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, 26-29 June 2016 New Orleans: American Society for Engineering Education.
Behnejad, S. A. and Saleem, R. (2019) ‘Benefits of International Collaborations on the Educational Scheme Entitled ‘Design, Assemble and Dismantle (DAD) Project’, Form and Force, Barcelona, Spain, 7-10 October 2019 Barcelona: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures IASS.
L.C. Meneghetti, R.M. Pauletti, L.A. Bitencourt, An academic experiment on the design of spatial truss models and teamwork, in: Proc. of IASS Annual Symp., Barcelona, 2019: pp. 1-7.
International Student Collaborations to Achieve Teaching Excellence in Higher Education, under publication.