Fluor Diversity Scholarship 2023 entry
The Fluor Diversity Scholarship is now open to receive applications from undergraduate home/UK students studying for a BEng or MEng degree in mechanical, electrical and electronic, civil, or chemical and process engineering at the University of Surrey.
The Fluor Diversity Scholarship will be awarded to two undergraduate UK students and provides up to £10,000 (£3,000 per year for years 1, 2 and 3 of study, plus £1,000 towards either Professional Training placement or master’s year) to support students studying for a degree in mechanical, electrical and electronic, civil, or chemical and process engineering at the University of Surrey, starting in September 2023.
Please note: if you are taking an integrated masters course and a professional training year, you will receive £1,000 for your training year, and no additional funding for your masters.
If you are taking an integrated masters course without a professional training year, then you will receive £1,000 towards your masters year. You will receive a maximum of £10,000 of funding from this scholarship.
Eligibility criteria
In order to be eligible, you must be:
- A first year BEng or MEng student (starting in September 2023)
- A UK student
- Able to demonstrate a household income of less than £35,000
- Able to meet at least one of the criteria for widening participation.
Widening participation critera
- Students from low participation neighbourhoods (LPNs, defined as POLAR4 Quintiles 1 and 2 by OfS*
- Students from an area of high deprivation (index of multiple deprivation, IMD) Quintiles 1 and 2**
- Students from a low-income family (eligible for free school meals in last six years)
- Care leavers and students in local authority care
- From families where parents/carers are in non-professional households (NS-SEC groups 4-8)
- From families with no parental history of higher education participation
- Students classified as having a disability
- Young carers
- Mature learners
- Refugees and asylum seekers
- Students estranged from their families
- Students who have a parent/carer who has served in the armed forces or reserves
- Students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds
- Students from Gypsy, Roma or Irish Traveller communities
- Students who identify as a New Traveller, Boater, Bargee or Showperson.
*You can check if a student lives in an LPN (POLAR4 Quintile 1 or 2 by using the OfS online postcode lookup tool.
**You can check your postcodes index of multiple deprivation data using the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government's online look up tool. Your postcode must be rated 1 -4 in column F.
How to apply
The Fluor Diversity Scholarship application form must be completed and submitted to bursariesandscholarships@surrey.ac.uk by the deadline.
Application form
Application deadline
Contact details

Scholarships and bursaries
There is a range of support available to help finance your studies.