School of Literature and Languages PhD studentship

The School of Literature and Languages has an international reputation for interdisciplinary research in English literature, creative writing, linguistics, translation and interpreting, film studies, and intercultural communication and we welcome applications in these areas.

Start date

1 October 2023


36 months

Application deadline

Funding source

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Funding information

Studentships will cover, for three years or pro-rata part-time: full fees (at home or international rate), an annual stipend (c.£16,000), and a training grant for research and development expenses. 


We encourage applicants to explore the work taking place in our research centres, groups and projects and consider how their proposals might align with our research expertise.

Candidates may also wish to consider the wider university research themes.

We also encourage students to look at the work of individual researchers in the School of Literature and Languages and identify potential supervisors.

Eligibility criteria

Open to any UK or international candidates.

How to apply

Apply to Literary and Cultural Studies PhD, or the relevant programme:

The funding application form (docx) should be completed electronically and returned to Dr Beth Palmer ( The deadline for applications is 9 December 2022. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants will also need to apply to the University of Surrey through the PhD programme page, clearly stating that you are applying for the School of Literature and Languages doctoral studentships 2023.

Studentship FAQs

Read our studentship FAQs to find out more about applying and funding.

Application deadline

Contact details

Beth Palmer
14 AD 02
Telephone: +441483 683013

Studentships at Surrey

We have a wide range of studentship opportunities available.