RECLAIM Network Plus Webinar Series

We are delighted to invite you to join the RECLAIM Network Plus Webinar Series. It will consist of 18 one-hour online sessions, which will run on the first Wednesday of each month until February 2025.

About the webinar series

RECLAIM webinar poster

This webinar series will share best-practice and facilitate knowledge exchange between practitioners, researchers, policymakers, businesses, environmental groups, charities, or individuals interested in implementing green-blue-grey infrastructure to make our vulnerable living spaces more healthy, sustainable, and resilient.

Invitation for speakers

Webinars will be delivered by invited speakers and cross-sectoral network members across the world. The scheduled dates of the forthcoming webinar is given below. Please get in touch with us at if you want to become a potential speaker.

Download the poster (PDF)

Webinar dates

All webinars will be held 12:30pm - 1:30pm UK time.



  • 10 January 2024 - Revitalising waterways & LivGBGI project
  • 7 February 2024 - Engaging the public in GBGI projects
  • 6 March 2024 - Community perceptions of GBGI & Promoting societal transformation
  • 10 April 2024 - What has GBGI done for us & the valuation and impacts of urban GBGI
  • 1 May 2024 - UK local authorities and communities & how much air pollution does vegetation remove?
  • 5 June 2024 - UK Urban Environmental Quality (UKUEQ) Partnership & from waste to guaranteed Green
  • 3 July 2024 - Nature-based solutions in Southend, UK & fighting air pollution with gardens
  • 7 August 2024 - Pollution from highway runoff & Rethinking the role of Green Infrastructure in urban environments in Asia
  • 4 September 2024 - Green Infrastructures & Catchment scale benefits and disbenefits of green space
  • 5 April 2023 - Urban Soils & UKCRIC National Green Infrastructure Facility
  • 3 May 2023 - Air Pollution in Playgrounds and Sustainable Cities
  • 7 June 2023 - GBGI and Marginalised Communities & Place-Based Approach to Tackling Climate Change
  • 5 July 2023 - Cardiff Council's actions against Climate Change
  • 2 August 2023 -  Improving Life in Cities
  • 6 September 2023 - Urban Heat Islands & Soil Environment
  • 4 October 2023 - UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
  • 1 November 2023 - Green urban legislation in the US & digital tool to support green infrastructures
  • 6 December 2023 - Landscape Conservation in Chile and Green Walls in UK Schools
  • 2 October 2024 - Heatwaves and the Urban Environment & Public engagement and the public realm
  • 6 November 2024 - Safer Parks: Improving Access for Women and Girls & Small Urban Park Environments and Residents: Characterising the atmospheric benefits of small urban parks in the context of neighbourhood access and user motivation
  • 4 December 2024
  • 8 January 2025
  • 5 February 2025


RECLAIM is an EPSRC-funded Network+ grant (£1.2m). It is led by the University of Surrey’s Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Universities of Bath, Bangor and Warwick.

The RECLAIM (Reclaiming Forgotten Cities - Turning cities from vulnerable spaces to healthy places for people) network will be a 'one-stop-shop’ for towns and cities to find the information and support you need to install green and blue infrastructure in your communities and put you in touch with others with similar experiences.

Not a member yet?

Please complete our free membership form to be part of the RECLAIM network.