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Invited lectures and presentations

Kumar, P. 2024 Urban Greening for pollution and heat abatement In International Forum on Urban and Building Environments, Chongqing University, Radisson Blu Hotel, Chongqing, China, 4-5 September, 2024

Kumar, P. 2024. Cities, Climate Adaptation & RECLAIM Network Plus In Healthy People and Healthy Planet, Imperial College London, Data Science Institute, South Kensington Campus, 25 July 2024

Kumar, P., Debele, S., Hama, S. 2024. GreenCities Third Workshop, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofisca e Ciencais Atmosfericas, Universidade de Sao Paulo, 08 June 2024

Kumar, P. 2024. Climate Change, Nature-Based Solutions & the need of Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China, 12 January 2024

Kumar, P. 2024. Co-benefits of Urban Greening, School of Architecture, Southeast University, China, 11 January 2024

Kumar, P. 2024. Nature-based solutions to mitigate environmental and climate challenges faces by cities In International Forum on Urban Built Environment and Thermal Resilience under Low-Carbon Transition Mode, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China, 8 January 2024

Kumar, P., 2023. Practical solutions to mitigate air pollution exposure to school children In 8th Indian International Conference
on Air Quality Management, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, 6th - 8th December 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Green spaces for urban places: How they improve life for people in built-up areas In Urban Green Spaces Inquiry, Committee Room 5, Palace of Westminster, London, UK, 5 December 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Welcome & Opening Address; Data Synthesis Review; Councils and GBGI : Panel Discussion; Closing Address  In RECLAIM Network Plus Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 11 September 2023

Debele, S., 2023. Catchment-scale benefits (flow reduction) and dis-benefits (debris blocking risk) of green-grey infrastructure in urban rivers, In RECLAIM Network Plus Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 11 September 2023

Kooloth-Valappil, A., 2023. Investigating the Use of Co-Design to Create an Inclusive and Accessible Green Space, In RECLAIM Network Plus Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, 11 September 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Unlocking the Potential of Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Communities under Changing Environmental Conditions, In 11th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Building and Environment, Otaniemi, Finland, 14-18 August 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Air Quality: The Impact on Children’s Respiratory Health, In Surrey Heartlands Children and Young People's Asthma Learning Event, University of Surrey, Guildford, 20 June 2023

Sahani, J., 2023. Heat-Cool: Understanding how Guildford's buildings and green spaces heat and cool our town, Zero Carbon Guildford, Guildford, 10 June 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Health impacts of gas impacts, asthma association, brain development issues in vulnerable populations at risk in the UK In The health and environment effects of gas cooking, online, 8 June 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Update on Citizen science initiative: Heat-Cool program and Experiment in Parks, In UKRI / NERC / FAPESP GreenCities Second Workshop, Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas, Universidade de São Paulo (IAG-USP), Brazil, 1 June 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Unlocking the Potential of Nature-Based Solutions: The RECLAIM Network Plus & The Institute for Sustainability, In 2023 UGPN Annual Conference,  University of São Paulo, Brazil, 31 May 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Greenery in urban areas: a useful mitigating approach? In INHALE Project Webinar: Air pollution exposure and respiratory health at a personal level, online, 26 May 2023

Debele, S., 2023. SUSINet presentations, In CDT SIS Sustainable Infrastructure and Cities conference, Sir James Matthews Building, Guildhall Square, Southampton, 26 May 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Nature, Communities and Health, In SBN: Nature & Communities + Tour Of Living Planet Centre, WWF Living Planet Centre, Woking, 31 March 2023

Kukadia, V., Kooloth-Valappil, A., Kumar, P., 2023. Air pollution mitigation and resulting indoor: outdoor air quality in and around three London Schools, In Measuring air quality,  IQAM Conference, Coin Street Conference Centre, London, 28th March 2023

Kumar, P., 2023. Practical recommendations to mitigate air pollution exposure to school childrenIn Eliminating Air Pollution in Schools: Recommendations for Air Pollution Mitigation Measures in and around Schools, Westminster Commission for Road Air Quality Webinar, 14 March 2023.

Kumar, P., 2023. Interventions for improving indoor and outdoor air quality in and around schools, In TAPAS Networking Event: Engaging with Industry. St Matthew's Conference Centre, London, 9 March 2023.

Hama, S., 2023. CO-TRACE project, In TAPAS Networking Event: Engaging with Industry. St Matthew's Conference Centre, London, 9 March 2023.

Kumar, P., 2023. Keynote SpeakerIn Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality (ACIEQ 2023), Delhi, India, 24-25 February 2023.

Kumar, P., 2023. Environmental monitoring for healthy cities – importance, technologies, and success/failure cases, In International Colloquium on Smart Healthy Cities: Building Healthy and Equitable Cities through Smart and Participatory Technologies, Korea, 14 February 2023.

Kooloth Valappil, A., 2022. Learnings from air quality improvement measures in three Schools in London, 2022 UKHSA Air Quality and Public Health Stakeholder Seminar, 1 December, 2022

Kumar, P., 2022. What is clean air research? Pint of Science event 2022, ZERO Carbon Guildford, Guildford, UK, 10 May 2022.

Omidvarborna, H., and Kumar, P., 2022. Global Home - what is the future of where we live? Pint of Science event 2022, ZERO Carbon Guildford, Guildford, UK, 10 May 2022.

Kumar, P., 2022. Indoor Air Quality Assessments in School Classrooms. In 2022 6th International Conference on Civil Engineering (ICOCE 2022) and 2022 3rd Asia Conference on Renewable Energy And Environmental Engineering (AREEE 2022), Singapore (Virtual Conference), 27-29 March 2022.

Omidvarborna, H., 2022. Low-Cost Air Pollution Sensing Technology and its Applications at GCARE/GLL. In Environmental Science Research Division (ESRD) seminars, University of Reading, 13 January 2022, UK 13:00-14:00.

Kumar, P., 2021. Indoor air quality, ventilation and the risk of COVID-19 airborne transmission in school classrooms: Insights from COTRACE project. In 6 th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management (IICAQM 2021) Measurement, Modelling, Health Risk and Public Polic, IIT Guwahati, India, 16-18 December 2021.

Kumar, P., 2021. Greening of cities for air pollution and climate risk abatements. In International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development 2021, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 31 October – 2 November 2021.

Kumar, P., 2021. Green Infrastructure for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation. In Environmental Protection UK Conference, Aston University Birmingham, 18 November 2021. 

Kumar, P., 2021. Co-creation of efforts to improve air quality in and around the schools. In 10th SuDBE (Sustainable Development of Building and Environments)  international conference, Chongqing, 4-7 November 2021.

Kumar, P., 2021. Greening of cities for air pollution and climate risk abatements. In International Conference on Sustainable Technology and Development, Shenzhen, China, 31 October - 2 November 2021.

Beatley, T., Kumar, P., 2021. Dual Benefits for Tackling Air Pollution and Net Zero Challenges in Cities. In CIBSE Resilient Cities Group Conference, 14 September 2021. 

Kumar, P., Russell-Jones, R., Moarif, S., 2021. Mitigating the Health Impacts of Air Pollution. In Second Ramphal Institute International Conference “Policies and Strategies for Combating Air Pollution in Commonwealth Countries” Virtual Conference, 30-31 March 2021.

Kumar, P., 2021. Next-Generation Environmental Sensing for Local To Global Scale Health Impact Assessment (NEST-SEAS): a quadrilateral RCF project awarded in 2016. In UGPN Virtual Conference – March 2021 RCF Outcomed and Q&A Session, 25 March 2021.

Kumar, P., 2020. Air quality and public health challenges. In Indoor / Outdoor Bioaerosols Interface and Relationships Network (BioAirNet) Launch Event, 11 December 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. The Growing World of Low-cost Sensors for Air Quality Management. In 5th Indian International Conference on Air Quality Management IICAQM-2020 Measurement, Modelling, Health Risk and Public Policy, 9 - 11 December 2020.

Kumar, P., Debele, S., Mäkelä, A., 2020. Assessing Nature-based Solutions to climate change. In 2nd OPERANDUM webinar, UNESCO & OPERANDUM, 18 November 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. Aerosols, Indoor Air Quality and COVID-19. In Annual Aerosol Science Conference 2020, The Aerosol Society,  5 November 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. Clean Air, Public Health, Citizen Science and Policies. In Challenges in Meteorology 7 - Programme, Croatian Meteorological Society, 4 November 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. Green Infrastructure Implementation for Passive Mitigation of Air Pollution. In VAIBHAV SUMMIT-Vertical: V11 – Environmental Sciences-Horizontal Session on Hotspot Air Quality Management- War Forward Environmental Sciences, Online Panel Discussion, 17 October 2020 . 

Kumar, P., 2020. The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities. In Sensors Day 2020. Annual conference organised by the Sensor CDT, an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Cambridge, 15 October 2020. 

Kumar, P., 2020. Case studies: trains, schools, and supermarkets. In From exhalation to inhalation, COVID-19 infection risk indoors. Symposium under Royal Society’s RAMP Task 7, 08 September 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020.  A new framework for Green Infrastructure Implementation. In Green Infrastructure for Health, Well-being, and Climate Resilience. London Climate Change Partnership. Webinar, 02 July 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. Airborne transmissions Indoors. In SHARP - COVID-19 research at the University of Surrey. University of Surrey, UK. Web conference, 23 June 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. Aerosols, Air Pollution and COVID-19. In Air Quality in Urban Built Environment. Society for Indoor Environment, Environment and COVID-19 Webinar Series. Web Conference, 20 June 2020.

Kumar, P., 2020. COVID-19 and Air Pollution. In Children & Young Environmentalist Conference on Environmental Protection (CoEP 2020). Panjab University, India. Web Conference, 5 June 2020.

Kumar P., 2019. Measurements, Sensors, Modelling and Mitigation. Invited Lecture, 13th August 2019, University of Medellin, Colombia.

Kumar P., 2019. Clean Air Research at Surrey - Measurements, Sensors, Modelling and Mitigation (Invited talk). 15th October 2019, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.

Tiwari A., Abhijith K.V., Kumar P., 2019. Green Infrastructure Experiments & Simulation: Findings from the iSCAPE Project. 2nd Summer School, 16 September 2019, Hasselt, Belgium.

Kumar, P., 2016. Pollution exposure in cities. 2nd UGPN Workshop on Air Quality, Climate and Health. 8 April 2016, North Carolina State University, USA.

Kumar, P., 2016. Green infrastructure and Air Quality. Green Infrastructure Summit. 6 April 2016, North Carolina State University, USA.

Kumar, P., 2016. Exhaust and non-exhaust particle emissions in middle-east. 15-16 March 2016, Qatar Air Quality Workshop. Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar.

Kumar, P., 2016. I, me, myself and my exposure to on-road pollution. 19 June 2015. 1st UGPN Workshop on Air Quality, Climate and Health. 19-20 January 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Kumar, P., 2015. Pollution exposure in transport microenvironments. 19 June 2015. CAPTEN Workshop NCSU Raleigh, USA.

Kumar, P., 2015. Ultrafine particles and associated health implications in city microenvironments. 28 May 2015. University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Kumar, P., 2015. Ultrafine particle emissions and exposure in developing countries. 15 April 2015. University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Kumar, P., 2015. Comparison of pollution exposure in US and UK cities. 18 September 2014. UGPN Workshop NCSU Raleigh, USA.

Kumar, P., 2014. Particulate emissions and public health in developing countries. 18 September 2014. IIT Madras, India.

Kumar, P., 2014. Sixteen different invited presentations at 8 different South Indian Universities (Anna, Hindustan, VIT Vellore, Rajalaxmi, Saveetha University, SRM University,....) on teaching practices and personal/ departmental research. Delegate of British Council Education and Research Mission to Southern India. 16-18 September 2014.

Kumar, P., 2014. Teaching for learning and learning from teaching for research. Surrey ExCites Conference, 8 January 2014.

Kumar, P., 2013. Flow of nanoparticles in and around the road vehicles. Cambridge Particle Meeting, Cambridge, 24 May 2013.

Kumar, P., 2013. The world of nanoparticles around us! Particle Technology Knowledge Cluster (PKTC), Surrey, 30 May 2013.

Kumar, P., 2013. Peer-reviewing, feedback and assessment in engineering teaching. In: Workshop on feedback and assessment. Centre for Innovation in Technologies and Education (CITE), University of Southampton, UK, 29 May 2013. 

Kumar, P., 2013. Dispersion of nanoparticles in and around the vehicles. Kings College London, UK. Seminar Series, 6 March 2013.

Kumar, P., 2012. The world of nanoparticles in urban environment! Peking University, Beijing China, 13 December 2012.

Kumar, P., 2012. Nanoparticles in urban outdoor settings. Characteristics and impacts of air pollution - recent advances and future direction. University of Birmingham, UK, 30 May 2012. [plenary]

Kumar, P., 2012. Airborne nanoparticles in Asian and European environments. Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), Delhi, India, 18 April 2012.

Kumar, P., 2012. Wind flows and air pollution research at Surrey University. National Environmental and Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur, India, 16 April 2012.

Kumar, P., 2012. Dynamics of nanoparticles around us. TERI University, Delhi, India, 12 April 2012.

Kumar, P., 2012. Airborne nanoparticles around us - how are they formed, dispersed and inhaled? Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 11 April 2012.

Kumar, P., 2012. The nanoparticles we breathe in our daily lives.... Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 9 April 2012.

Kumar, P., 2011. Atmospheric nanoparticles: Characteristics, dispersion and health implications. The Institution of Engineers, Roorkee, India, 18 April 2011.

Kumar, P., 2011. Atmospheric nanoparticles and their dispersion behaviour in the urban environments. Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India, 18 April 2011.

Kumar, P., 2011. Dynamics and dispersion modelling of atmospheric nanoparticles in urban microenvironment environments. TERI University, Delhi, India, 14 April 2011.

Kumar, P., 2011. Dispersion of atmospheric nanoparticles in local and microtransport urban environments. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 13 April 2011.

Kumar, P., 2010. Road transport and urban air quality: Current research and areas for future collaborations. Transport Research Laboratory, UK, 17 November 2010.

Kumar, P. 2010. Measurements and modelling of the dispersion of nanoparticles in urban street canyons. Aerodyne Research, Inc., Billerica, Massachusetts, 23 June 2010.

Kumar, P., 2010. Measurements of urban nanoparticles with the DMS500 and their dispersion modellingMANSA: Metrology of Airborne nanoparticles, Standardisation and Applications, NPL Teddington, UK, 8–9 June 2010.

Kumar, P., 2008. Dispersion of nanoparticles in the urban environment. Imperial College, London, UK, 11 November 2008.

Kumar, P., 2008. Measurements and dispersion modelling of traffic–emitted particles in the urban environment. National Environment Research Institute, Denmark 7 May 2008.