Apply for funding

Are you looking for funding to successfully exploit your research in collaboration with industry? Have you considered applying for funding from the Surrey IAA?

About the IAA

The Surrey Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) provides highly flexible and internally administrated funding to support knowledge exchange, the acceleration of impact, and to bridge the gap between UKRI (EPSRCSTFCESRC, and MRC) funded research to facilitate impact for the benefit of society including translation towards commercialisation.  

Background: the purpose of this funding and how it works

IAA funding supports the mission to translate fundamental science out of the laboratory and into new therapies, diagnostics, devices, and policies that will improve people’s lives and thereby impact. This scheme is perfect for academics who want to accelerate the transition of their discovery or intellectual property (see our IP Code), and to rapidly de-risk projects across this translational lifecycle such that they become eligible for (and more likely to win) follow-on funding bids.

Surrey administers the award internally – review, award, and capturing the outcomes and impacts of your projects – which enables us to quickly respond to your discoveries, ideas, and proposals in a flexible way. Our internal Surrey IAA Project Management Board meets several times a year to review your applications (regular meeting schedule below).

Details of the type of activities to be funded through the IAA are described below. We also recommend you read the following guides (5-10 min reads):

  • Inventor guide – discover how the University has teams of people, resources, funding and policies that can help you become a successful innovator
  • Collaborator guide – simply designed to help you start your first collaborations with a business partner
  • Collaborating with SMEs guide – an easy read to help you identify and engage with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)


STFC IAA funding for Projects and Engagement is CLOSED.  

Details of the type of activities funded through the STFC IAA are described below:



A call for EPSRC Impact Generation ProjectsPlacements and Engagements is available here.

EPSRC Impact Generation Projects

Funding available

Up to £50k for a single application

There is some flexibility and you should contact the IAA Manager to discuss your requirements

Application Deadline


Starting with our EPSRC IAA, our approach has changed to an open call for applications throughout the year, and consideration for cross-council funding, if an appropriate Co-I is presented. These changes aim to make funding accessible and inclusive to more academics, encourage more multi-disciplinary initiatives, be responsive, and enable applications when it is most appropriate and beneficial to both the research group and external collaborator.


An academic can apply for funding to support any activity to exploit or help generate impact from outcomes associated with an EPSRC supported field of research. 

There is no restriction on type or format of a project, but basic criteria must be demonstrated and are assessed before funding approved

Examples of project types considered include:

  • Proof-of-concept
  • Detailed market assessment
  • Exploitation projects, industrial / public engagement
  • Access to equipment and expertise
  • Cross-sector collaboration (e.g. engineering <> medical)
  • Applying research from one sector to an application in another
  • Ring-fencing intellectual property that could be protected and commercialised.
Funding Conditions
  • Proposal must be linked to research within the EPSRC funded portfolio
  • IAA funds must be spent within the EPSRC terms and conditions meaning any unaccounted costs or underspends will be returned to the IAA budget for use within further calls. The IAA does not commit to cover any overspend and any potential overspend that arises will be the responsibility of the department
  • Be prepared to report on the project progress and outcomes
  • Complete a mandatory post-project feedback form
  • Assist in publicity to demonstrate the generation of impact from research (e.g. case studies).
Application Criteria
  • The long-term impact must be articulated and the role that this project will play in achieving it
  • Plan to continue the exploitation after the end of the IAA funding
  • Project plan that demonstrates both milestones and deliverables within a defined timescale
  • Full justification of resources given and explanation of the split between IAA and external support
  • Public or private sector partner who is prepared to contribute towards the costs project (in cash or in-kind)*.
How to apply
  1. Contact the IAA Manager to discuss your application
  2. Self register and complete the online application form by adding a new disclosure, and selecting EPSRC IAA Application from the drop down list
  3. Request financial costings from via the Intention to Bid process
  4. Consider any ethics requirements by completing SAGE-HDR (human) or SAGE-AR (animal)
  5. Submit a draft at least 1 week before the application deadline for review with the IAA Manager
  6. Submit your final application.

* Partner contributions dependent on the size of the partner and the project costs

EPSRC PhD and ECR placements

Funding availableCosts for a placement ≤3 months
Application DeadlineOngoing
  • Post-graduate and early career researchers associated with EPSRC research to be placed in industry or for industry researchers to be placed in the University
  • To transfer knowledge and skills, and gain industrial experience.
Funding Conditions
  • Proposal must be linked to research within the EPSRC funded portfolio
  • IAA funds must be spent within the EPSRC terms and conditions meaning any unaccounted costs or underspends will be returned to the IAA budget for use within further calls. The IAA does not commit to cover any overspend and any potential overspend that arises will be the responsibility of the department
  • Be prepared to report on the placement outcomes, and assist in publicity to demonstrate the generation of impact from the placement (e.g. case studies).
Application Criteria
  • The PhD/ECR must already be eligible to work within the UK for the full duration of any placement
  • Articulate the impact and knowledge exchange resulting from the placement.
How to applyContact the IAA Manager to discuss your application.

This scheme is in collaboration with the Surrey Doctoral College. Collaboration with regional technology SMEs who may not have previously considered this type of engagement with a university is particularly encouraged.

EPSRC external engagement

Funding availableUp to £2k
Application DeadlineOngoing

Assistance and funding is provided to help researchers identify and engage with commercial partners to stimulate more relationships and active collaborations

Examples of engagement activities include:

  • Attending trade shows and industry events
  • Industry visits
  • Support for initial external stakeholder engagement.
Funding Conditions
  • Proposal must be linked to research within the EPSRC funded portfolio
  • IAA funds must be spent within the EPSRC terms and conditions meaning any unaccounted costs or underspends will be returned to the IAA budget for use within further calls. The IAA does not commit to cover any overspend and any potential overspend that arises will be the responsibility of the department
  • Be prepared to report on the engagement outcomes, and assist in publicity to demonstrate the generation of impact from the engagement (e.g. case studies).
Application Criteria
  • Articulate the impact and knowledge exchange resulting from the activity.
How to apply


An ongoing call for the MRC's IAA activities.

IAA funding supports the MRC's mission to translate fundamental science out of the laboratory and into new therapies, diagnostics, and medical devices that will improve people’s lives and thereby deliver real impact. Read more about the scheme on the MRC website here.

This scheme is ideal for academics who want to accelerate the transition of their discovery to the early stages of development and filing patents (see our IP Code), and to rapidly de-risk projects across this translational lifecycle such that they become eligible for (and more likely to win) follow-on funding bids e.g. MRC's Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme.

The IAA Managers are here to support you before, during and after your IAA projects. If you have a quick general question such as you want to check your idea/project is eligible, contact us via email (typical response within 1-2 working days) and we will happily answer, and setup a call to discuss further if needed.


Funding availableTypically £20-65k; projects of all sizes are encouraged to apply
Application DeadlineOngoing (current round application deadline: the MRC IAA  remains open for as long as there are funds – next review of applications takes place 31 August 2024.
Project durationTypically 6-16 months

There is no restriction on type or format of a project, but basic criteria must be demonstrated and are assessed before funding approved. Examples of project types considered include:

  • Preliminary or feasibility studies, which progress an idea, concept or invention arising from existing research
  • Cross-disciplinary or cross-sector collaboration
  • Applying research from one discipline or sector to an application in another
  • Market assessment projects
  • Generate sufficient preliminary data so we can decide together the best next steps to seek more substantial follow-on funding
  • Activities to support the development of industry collaborations including:
    • People exchanges at all levels and in either direction (industry to academia, and/or academia to industry)
    • Showcase or workshop events
    • Co-funding collaborative projects with industry partners
    • Access to equipment and expertise
Funding Conditions
  • Proposal must be linked to research within MRC’s remit area:  
  • IAA funds must be spent within the MRC’s terms and conditions meaning any unaccounted costs or underspends will be returned to the IAA budget for use within others’ projects. The IAA does not commit to cover any overspend and any potential overspend that arises will be the responsibility of the department
  • Be prepared to report on your project progress and outcomes at regular intervals
  • Complete a mandatory post-project feedback form
  • Assist in publicity to demonstrate the generation of impact from research (e.g. REF2029 case studies)
Application Criteria
  • The long-term impact must be articulated and the role that this project will play in achieving it
  • Plan to continue the exploitation after the end of the IAA funding
  • Project plan that demonstrates both milestones and deliverables within a defined timescale
  • Full justification of resources given and explanation of the split between IAA funding and any other financial support e.g. from external collaborators
  • Projects involving external industry and leveraged funding are highly desirable
Ineligible Costs

The funding is not intended to support:

  • Entire translational projects – applicants seeking funding for entire projects are directed to the MRC’s DPFS scheme
  • Administration costs
  • Industrial partner costs
  • Staff between posts/funding (i.e. as “bridging” funds), or PhD studentships
  • Continuation of normal research grants
  • Costs related to protection of intellectual property (registering and maintaining patents or property rights)
  • Staff exchange into a spin-out company of the host institution
How to apply
  1. Contact the IAA Manager to discuss your application
  2. Self register and complete the online application form  in the Inventor Portal by adding a new disclosure, and selecting MRC IAA Application from the drop down list
  3. Request financial costings from by opening a new project in Worktribe Guidance on how to use Worktribe may be found here.
  4. Consider any ethics requirements early by completing an Ethics RM (human) or SAGE-AR (animal)
  5. Submit your final application. This will be picked up by the IAA Manager, who will review the application at the next PMB meeting, aided by a cross-disciplinary panel of reviewers.

STFC Impact Generation Projects

Funding available£47,500 maximum for a single project
Application DeadlineCLOSED

An academic can apply for funding to support any activity to exploit or help generate impact from outcomes associated with an STFC supported field of research. 

There is no restriction on type or format of a project, but basic criteria must be demonstrated and are assessed before funding approved

Examples of project types considered include:

  • Proof-of-concept
  • Detailed market assessment
  • Exploitation projects, industrial / public engagement
  • Access to equipment and expertise
  • Cross-sector collaboration (e.g. engineering <> medical)
  • Applying research from one sector to an application in another.
Funding Conditions
  • Proposal must be linked to research within the STFC funded portfolio
  • IAA funds must be spent within the STFC terms and conditions meaning any unaccounted costs or underspends will be returned to the IAA budget for use within further calls. The IAA does not commit to cover any overspend and any potential overspend that arises will be the responsibility of the department
  • Project must be completed by the TBC. Extensions will not be possible.
  • Be prepared to report on the project progress and outcomes
  • Complete a mandatory post-project feedback form
  • Assist in publicity to demonstrate the generation of impact from research (e.g. case studies).
Application Criteria
  • The long-term impact must be articulated and the role that this project will play in achieving it
  • Plan to continue the exploitation after the end of the IAA funding
  • Project plan that demonstrates both milestones and deliverables within a defined timescale
  • Full justification of resources given and explanation of the split between IAA and external support
  • Public or private sector partner who is prepared to contribute towards the costs project (in cash or in-kind)*.
How to apply
  1. Contact the IAA Manager to discuss your application
  2. Self register and complete the online application form by adding a new disclosure, and selecting STFC IAA Application from the drop down list
  3. Request financial costings from via the Intention to Bid process.  Attach the resulting ARCP report to you application form.
  4. Consider any ethics requirements by completing SAGE-HDR (human) or SAGE-AR (animal)
  5. Submit a draft at least 1 week before the application deadline for review with the IAA Manager
  6. Submit your final application.

* Partner contributions dependent on the size of the partner and the project costs

STFC External Engagement

Funding availableUp to £2k
Application DeadlineCLOSED

Assistance and funding is provided to help researchers identify and engage with commercial partners to stimulate more relationships and active collaborations

Examples of engagement activities include:

  • Attending trade shows and industry events
  • Industry visits
  • Support for initial external stakeholder engagement
Funding Conditions
  • Proposal must be linked to research within the STFC funded portfolio
  • IAA funds must be spent within the STFC terms and conditions meaning any unaccounted costs or underspends will be returned to the IAA budget for use within further calls. The IAA does not commit to cover any overspend and any potential overspend that arises will be the responsibility of the department
  • Engagement must be completed by the TBC. Extensions will not be possible.
  • Be prepared to report on the engagement outcomes, and assist in publicity to demonstrate the generation of impact from the engagement (e.g. case studies)
Application Criteria
  • Articulate the impact and knowledge exchange resulting from the activity
How to apply

IAA application process and governance

The IAA application process has been designed to be as simple, supportive, and transparent as possible.

  1. Once your application has been submitted, you will be informed of receipt and next steps (1-2 working days)
  2. Your application will be reviewed at the next soonest IAA Project Management Board (PMB) review meeting
  3. Following the PMB meeting, you will be notified whether your application has been successful/further feedback/rejected.
    1. Successful: you will be provided with a cost code to track your expenditure
    2. Further feedback/quick fix: if the PMB have ideas or questions for you to consider that could be quickly/easily implemented, you could address these and eligible for award (i.e. you wouldn’t need to wait until the next PMB review meeting)
    3. Rejection: high-level reviewer feedback and comments will be provided, and we may discuss a re-think or developing the application further (e.g. if certain aspects need attention such as the feasibility, or time to progress such as TRL)
  4. Monthly financial reports for IAA projects will be sent to the Principal Investigator
  5. The IAA Manager may contact you for progress reports for review at the regular PMB meetings
  6. You will submit a mandatory feedback form at the end of your project. Feedback and outcomes may be requested for industry engagement and placement activities. This information may be collated to report back to the Steering Committee, produce case studies, feedback to the UKRI funders, or facilitate improvements to Surrey’s IAA and knowledge exchange initiatives

Regular PMB (MRC IAA) review meeting schedule:

PMB (MRC IAA) panel members consist of the following:

  • FHMS-based academics
  • 2-3 colleagues from Innovation Strategy, including the FHMS MRC IAA Manager
  • We also vet panel members for potential conflicts of interest

Steering Committee (MRC IAA)

We also have an IAA Steering Committee that meet annually to review all aspects of the MRC IAA programme, and may include representatives from the MRC, industrial partners, and advisors to provide oversight and strategic guidance.

Other resources

You can also find further information by following the links below: