Collaboration in sustainability
The University of Surrey has a proud history of collaboration, and this is a guiding principle for the Institute for Sustainability. Our partnerships bring together social and natural scientists, technologists and non-academic stakeholders in the public, private and third sector.
Collaboration enables us to undertake impactful research, drive innovation and enterprise, and influence policy, helping governments to put the right regulations in place to tackle sustainability issues.
Get in touch
Collaborate with usLocal networks
More organisations and companies have their headquarters in Surrey than any other county in the UK, from non-governmental organisations like World Wildlife Fund (WWF) UK to multinational giants like Philips, McLaren, Samsung, Toyota, Unilever, Esso and Procter & Gamble. As such, Surrey boasts outstanding connections with industry and a thriving economy throughout the county.
International networks
The Institute for Sustainability and the University have partnerships with universities and business partners around the globe. Our collaborations with these partners centre around research projects, student and staff exchanges, and visits and tours which create a fertile knowledge exchange across our global network.
The Institute benefits from Surrey’s membership of the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) along with three other leading institutions: NC State University, University of São Paulo and University of Wollongong. Together, these partners work to address global challenges. The UGPN Annual Conference in 2022 was focused on how UGPN partnerships can make a difference to sustainability in research and education.
We also have partnerships with the following universities around the world:
- Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- The University of Queensland Australia
- University of Wollongong, Australia
- Federal University of Technology Parana, Brazil
- University of San Paulo, Brazil
- Peking University, China
- Sun Yat-Sen University, China
- University of Cyprus, Cyprus
- Aarhus University, Denmark
- Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
- European Association of Development Research and Training Institute, Germany
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Indian Institute of Technology, India
- Teri University, India
- University of Bologna, Italy
- Raboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
- University of Twente, Netherlands
- Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Texas A&M University, Qatar
- Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
- Sustainability Taskforce at CESAER
Collaborate with us
The Institute is continually developing its network of partners from academia, government and industry, across the UK and globally. If you’d like to discuss possible opportunities for collaborating with us, we would love to hear from you.

Nathalie Hinds
Director, Institute Operations, Innovation and Partnerships

Innovation at Surrey
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