Managed Exclusion Orders
Managed Exclusion Orders (MEO) are a way of managing the access of a student to University premises, University services and University managed properties.
Please follow this link to the 'C3: Procedure for managed exclusion orders' for the 2024/25 academic year. N.B. These Procedures are updated by the University on a regular basis. Please follow this link to the Academic and Student Regulations and Procedures webpage for the latest version.
Being issued a MEO
A MEO is issued in circumstances where the University considers that it is in your interests to alter your access to areas such as University premises, University services and University Managed Houses. This may be because an allegation or concern has been raised about you and the University considers that imposing a MEO will help to enable a fair investigation.
If you are issued with a MEO, this does not mean that the University has formed a view that any allegations against you are true and that you have committed an offence.
Impact of a MEO
There are a number of forms that an MEO can take. There could be just one aspect or multiple depending on the circumstances. For example:
- You may be asked to move to alternative accommodation off campus for a temporary period
- You may be excluded from certain parts of campus such as Rubix or Wates House
- You may only be allowed to access certain parts of campus at certain times of day
- You may be asked not to contact certain individuals
- You may be prevented from representing the University at sporting or other public occasions
Length of a MEO
A MEO will be in place either for a specified period or for a period of no longer than 20 working days in the first instance. The University will continuously monitor the MEO and may extend the period or change the terms at any time. You will be kept updated throughout.
Process of issuing a MEO
If a student’s behaviour is deemed to pose a risk to the wellbeing and safety of themselves or others or to University property or would prevent a fair investigation, a request is made to OSCAR to issue a MEO. OSCAR consult with the Head or Deputy Head of the Campus Safety Team to assess the risk and decide whether a MEO would be appropriate in the circumstances. If it is agreed that a MEO should be issued, OSCAR will request authorisation for a MEO from a Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
If the Pro-Vice-Chancellor approves the issuing of the MEO, OSCAR will meet with the student to explain the terms of the MEO, the reason for issuing it and the student’s right to make representations and appeal the MEO. The student will be given details of what they need to do next and OSCAR will stay in contact with the student throughout the course of the MEO.
Opposing the initial issuing of a MEO
When OSCAR meet with you to explain the terms of the MEO, you will told that you have the opportunity to make representations about the decision to issue you a MEO.
There will then be a period of time where you can write to OSCAR with evidence, to explain why you think that you should not be subject to a MEO. Any representations that you make prior to the deadline set for you will be provided to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor who will reconsider the issuing of the MEO taking into account the information that you have provided.
You can appeal against the issuing of the MEO or the terms of the MEO.
Making an appeal
To make an appeal you need to send an email to OSCAR explaining that you wish to appeal your MEO.
In your email you must provide evidence that one or more of the following grounds applies:
- That in imposing the MEO the University failed to follow its regulations and/or procedures of failed to follow them with due care
- That the University has shown bias or prejudice towards you in the way that it has sought to impose the MEO
- That the terms of the MEO are excessive
- That you do not pose a risk to yourself and/or third parties and/or University property, or University managed properties
- That relevant new evidence has become available that should be considered.
A different OSCAR Case Manager to the one involved in issuing you with your MEO will investigate your appeal and report to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor who will decide whether or not to allow the appeal. The OSCAR Case Manager will make recommendations to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor. An appeal against an MEO is normally processed within 10 working days.