Dr Dinesha Priyadarshani Watte Vidanelage BSc Chemistry
Ph.D. Research Student
Academic and research departments
Advanced Technology Institute, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences.About
My research project
Water treatment and purificationEasy access to safe water is an uprising global challenge despite the safe water is a basic human right. Attention of world authorities is on the topic but much need to be done to achieve the target of sustainability. This research is focusing on nature inspired materials to remove heavy metals from potable water.
Easy access to safe water is an uprising global challenge despite the safe water is a basic human right. Attention of world authorities is on the topic but much need to be done to achieve the target of sustainability. This research is focusing on nature inspired materials to remove heavy metals from potable water.
My qualifications
B.Sc. Special Degree in Chemistry
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Higher Diploma in Information Technology
University of Colombo School of Computing, Sri Lanka
DINESHA PRIYADARSHANI WATTE VIDANELAGE, ANGELA FATIMA DANIL DE NAMOR, S. Ravi P. Silva (2022)Rising of a global silent killer: critical analysis of chronic kidney disease of uncertain aetiology (CKDu) worldwide and mitigation steps, In: Environmental geochemistry and health Springer Nature