Kübra Zehra Kasikci
Academic and research departments
Environmental Psychology Research Group (EPRG), School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, Centre for Automotive Engineering.About
My research project
University roles and responsibilities
- IoD Student Committee Chair
Affiliations and memberships
A growing body of literature explores driving control authority transition time in the context of highly automated vehicles (Level 3 and Level 4); which is usually referred to as the “take-over time” (TOT ). However, most studies do not apply consistent methods for assessing TOT for Level 3 (conditional) automated driving for a successful take-over (TO). This results in i) unclear expectations about how much time should be allocated to the TO process, and ii) underestimation of the unique and critical context of TO within conditional automated driving authority transition. There is also a tendency to steer away from addressing effects of using different automated driving classification systems on understanding and measuring TO. This literature survey, carried out in the framework of the European H2020 TrustVehicle consortium critically analyses existing studies on driving control authority transition in conditional automated driving. The purpose of this review is to provide a state-of-art on TO processes for and to highlight existing gaps in the field. The focus is on the discussion of the TOT for automation-initiated driving control authority transition, specifically from vehicle to driver (V2D). The conclusion outlines the findings and the recommendations for further research and applications.