Start date
01 August 2016End date
31 December 2020Overview
University of Surrey sustainability system analysis researchers from the Centre for Environment and Sustainability - Dr Jacquetta Lee, Dr Xaiobo Chen and Professor Richard Murphy - have recently completed a four year innovative project looking at the next generation of Eco-Design in the Aerospace sector.
The Surrey research formed part of the PLEIADES consortium project funded by the Clean Sky 2 Public Private Partnership between the European Commission and the European aeronautics industry. Our contribution to this excellent project was the development of a novel tool targeting data uncertainty and sensitivity to enable greater efficiency in key data acquisition, speed, and overall confidence in the Eco-Design process.
We would like to thank Ansys-Granta as the Co-ordinator of the PLEIADES consortium and our other project partners Rolls-Royce, the University of Stuttgart and Thinkstep.
Find out more about the Project to Lead Ecodesign Integration with Aerospace Development and Engineering Systems (PLEIADES).

Xiaobo Chen
University of Surrey

Dr Jacquetta Jacquetta
University of Surrey

Professor Richard Murphy
University of Surrey