Women's journey through innovation in the tourism industry
Start date
September 2018End date
August 2020Overview
The main objective of this project is to understand the different pathways of women’s entrepreneurship journey in a changing tourism industry, and how different environments, agents, policies and actions influence their opportunities, motivations and challenges.
The specific research objectives of this project are:
- To analyse women’s pathways in tourism entrepreneurship
- Identify and assess the different pathways that women follow, based on a post-structuralist theoretical framework.
- Evaluate the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
- Understand what is visible and invisible.
- To develop evidence-based policy and practice recommendations to foster women’s entrepreneurship in tourism.
- To promote the culture of entrepreneurship among women in the tourism industry, through effective research-based dissemination.
Funding amount
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement number: WomENT DLV-792738.
Principal investigators

Dr Cristina Figueroa Domecq
Marie Curie Research Fellow
See profile
Professor Allan Williams
Chair in Tourism and Mobility Studies
See profileCo-investigators

Anna de Jong

Dr Albert Kimbu
Senior Lecturer
See profileOutputs
Figueroa-Domecq. C. Invited conference “The implementation of a gender perspective in tourism research”. 12 November 2018. 2 hours. Rey Juan Carlos University Madrid, Spain.
Figueroa-Domecq, C., Segovia-Pérez, M., Flecha-Barrio, M. D. y Palomo, J. (2018). Women in decision-making positions in tourism high-tech companies: Board of Director. XII Congreso Internacional Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, University of Málaga (Spain), 10-11 October 2018.
Figueroa-Domecq, C., Palomo, J., Flecha-Barrio, M. D y Segovia-Pérez, M. (2019). Women in decision-making positions in tourism high-tech companies: Board of Director. International Conference Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism. Nicosia (Cyprus), January 30 – February 1 2019.
Domecq, C. F., Pérez, M. S., Barrio, M. D. F., & Martínez, J. P. (2018). Women in decision-making positions in tourism high-technology companies: board of directors. In XII Congreso Internacional de Turismo y Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (pp. 117-130). Universidad de Málaga (UMA).
Figueroa-Domecq, C., Palomo, J., Flecha-Barrio, M. D., & Segovia-Pérez, M. (2019). Double Gender Gap in Tourism High-Technology Organisations: Results and Corporate Actions. In Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2019 (pp. 383-395). Springer, Cham.
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