Residential summer schools

Apply to our virtual or residential programmes to experience what it's like to study a subject you love at university degree level. Our summer schools are FREE and open to year 12 students who attend a state school or college in the United Kingdom and meet our eligibility criteria.

Applications for our 2024 Summer School programme will be open from Monday 15 January to Sunday 31 March 2024.

Post-16 mailing list

Our summer schools are fully-funded and invite participants to attend taster lectures, workshops and seminars in addition to academic led research projects in their chosen subject area. Meet our current students and learn more about studying and living at university. For 2024, we are providing residential and virtual programmes for:

  • Biosciences
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • Law
  • Physical Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Veterinary Medicine

Residential Summer School

Monday 1 - Friday 5 July 2024

Experience life on campus on our 5-day, 4-night on-campus experience of teaching timetable and social activity. Accommodation, catering and transport provided. Our Residential Summer School consists of an academic timetable to give you the opportunity to experience studying a subject that you love at university. You will learn in an academic environment and work with students from other schools and colleges through a timetable of lectures, seminars, practical activities and a variety of fun social events each evening. Spend the week living in our student accommodation and meet our wonderful team of Student Ambassadors who will be on hand to answer your questions about student life.

Virtual Summer School

Monday 15 - Friday 19 July 2024

Immerse yourself in our 5-day online experience of live and on-demand content in addition to access to University of Surrey e-platforms and virtual library. Our Virtual Summer School gives you the chance to experience university-level study through a timetable of interactive and on demand lectures, workshops and seminars. As part of the programme, you will complete a group research project and presentation enabling you to connect and network with our participants whilst accessing exclusive University of Surrey channels and platforms. You'll also have the opportunity to get involved in evening social and wellbeing activities along with meeting current University of Surrey students and staff. 


Who is eligible?

Places on the residential and virtual summer schools will be allocated to year 12 students from currently under-represented groups in higher education who attend a non-selective state school or college in the United Kingdom.

Places will be awarded based on:

  • Meeting eligibility criteria
  • Capacity of the programme.

To apply for the summer schools, students must meet at least one of the criteria below:

  • Students from low participation neighbourhoods (defined as POLAR4 quintiles 1 and 2 by OfS*)
  • Students from an area of high deprivation (index of multiple deprivation (IMD), quintiles 1 and 2*)
  • Students from a low participation area (defined as TUNDRA LSOA, quintiles 1 and 2)
  • Students eligible for free school meals in last six years
  • Students who are eligible for a 16-19 bursary (or equivalent)
  • Care experienced young people and those in local authority care
  • Students classified as having a disability
  • Young carers (you care for a friend or relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition or addiction)
  • Students who are forced migrants (e.g. refugees and asylum seekers)
  • Estranged students studying without the support of their families (no, limited or negative contact with either parent)
  • Students who have a parent/carer who has served in the armed forces or reserves
  • Students from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups
  • Students from Gypsy, Roma, Traveller, Boater or Showpeople communities
  • Students whose studies have suffered significant disruption due to illness or personal circumstance.

* You can check your eligibility using our postcode checker tool.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact

Watch our summer school overview

Watch our guide to the summer school programme and application process. You can also register to attend our Virtual Insight Event on Thursday 8 February where you can hear from members of our team and ask questions directly before you apply.

summer school

Apply for Y12 Summer Schools

Applications for both residential and virtual summer schools are open until Sunday 31 March. All applications are reviewed after the closing date.


It was great academically but also socially-fun. Residential summer school student 2023
4 in 5 Surrey Scholars progress to Higher Education*.
*Recorded as 808 from a total of 1023 tracked learners (HEAT-HESA data 2016-2021)
Surrey Scholars