Student profile
Matilda Parker

Matilda Parker

"I enjoy the freedom of Literature that Surrey encourages, allowing me to explore various avenues such as creative writing, broadening my interests and skills."

Entry year


Choosing Surrey

I was intuitively drawn to Surrey, with its beautiful lake, lush greenery and distinctive architecture, as I immediately felt at home. The advantageous location further solidified my choice, nestled in the Surrey hills only a train ride away from London. I was also drawn specifically to the English Literature course, offering the study of Literature and other forms of media. 

I enjoy the freedom of studying Literature that Surrey encourages, allowing me to explore various avenues such as creative writing, broadening my interests and skills. The degree offers a variety of courses, from medieval literature to transmedia narratives, where I discovered and continue to explore how vital literature is in shaping mainstream culture and societal perspectives.

My study abroad experience…

A pivotal moment during my time at Surrey was my decision to partake in a study abroad program. Influenced by a friend’s positive experience, I chose to spend a year in Freiburg, Germany. 

"This journey was transformative, contributing significantly to my personal and academic growth". 

This immersion into a different culture and university student life broadened my horizons and allowed me to gain insight into different perspectives. 

I also engaged in activities I hadn’t previously considered or had the confidence to pursue, such as partaking in an English-speaking theatre production where I made life-long friends and gained valuable confidence. The experience was also beneficial to my academic progression as I took studies in subjects like politics and philosophy, studying different scholars and texts which I continue to explore in my final year. 


During my time at Surrey, I actively participated in various clubs and societies, which significantly enriched my university experience. I achieved a yellow belt in Jiu Jitsu, made lifelong friends in the Art Society, and even performed in a murder mystery play with the Theatre Society. The University of Surrey offers a wide array of societies which offer great opportunities to meet incredible people and gain skills that go beyond the academic realm.

Reflecting on my time at Surrey…

I realise how instrumental Surrey has been in shaping who I am today. The experience has tremendously boosted my confidence, both socially and academically. The friendships forged and the academic progress made have opened new doors and provided endless opportunities. Whilst I am uncertain of what I want to pursue following graduation, a notion that can be scary at times, I feel my time at Surrey has equipped me with the confidence to trust in myself, and to continue trying new things and seeking new opportunities.