Personal tutors
You will be allocated a personal tutor at the start of your first week at University and will normally keep this tutor throughout your studies.
Your personal tutor
Your personal tutor is there to support your academic, personal and professional development throughout your time here. They will refer you to appropriate academic, welfare and support services when necessary. Tutors follow a code of practice for personal tutoring to ensure they are delivering the best possible help to you.
There are many advantages in establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your personal tutor, as the more they get to know you, the better and more targeted the help that they can provide.
In some schools and departments, there are senior tutors who can also provide support for you.
Meeting your tutor
You will meet with your tutor at least twice a year, normally in the first two weeks of each semester. Depending on your course, you may have more meetings with your personal tutor.