The findings of our studies are published in various journals on child development, perception and cognition. Our findings are also presented and discussed at national and international conferences. These publications and presentations contribute to the wider understanding of infant development. We also share our findings with the public via public talks, events and the media, including interviews for magazines, radio and television. We also work with various companies, for example, companies that make children's TV programmes and toys, to inform them about their products.
Franjieh, M., Clark, E., Corbett, G. G., & Grandison, A. (2024) Vernacular language teaching in Vanuatu: perspectives from three communities. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Clark, E., Corbett, G. G., & Grandison, A. (2024) Vernacular language teaching in Vanuatu: perspectives from three communities. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Dotte, A.-L., Bae, D. W., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2024) Jeu des 7 familles de la possession en langue iaai. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Dotte, A.-L., Bae, D. W., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2024) Possession en iaai: grammaire et lexique. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Grandison, A., Franjieh, M., & Corbett, G. (2024) Preserving endangered languages in the South Pacific. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Corbett, G., Grandison, A., Franjieh, M. (2024) Optimal categorisation: the origin and nature of gender from a Psycholinguistic Perspective. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Dotte, A.-L., Bae, D. W., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2024) Possession en iaai: histoires. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Batista da Costa, M., Tenenbaum, H., & Grandison, A. (2024) “What do they mean?” A Systematic Review on the Interpretation, Usage and Acceptability of “They”. Frontiers in Psychology: Gender, Sex and Sexualities, 15.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2023) Posesen long Vatlongos: Grama mo Diksioneri. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2023) Posesen long Rral: Grama mo Diksioneri. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2023) Posesen long Lewo: Grama mo Diksioneri. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2023) Posesen long Lewo: Storian. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2023) Posesen long Rral: Storian. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., & Corbett, G. G. (2023) Posesen long Vatlongos: Storian. Zenodo. Open Research Repository.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A., Dotte, A.-L. & Corbett, G. G. (2022). Implementing Free-listing: Possessive classifiers in Oceanic. Semantic Fieldwork Methods. Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia.
Grandison, A., Franjieh, M. Greene L. & Corbett, G. G. (2021). Optimal Categorisation: The Nature of Nominal Classification Systems. Cadernos de Linguística, 2(1), e393.
Franjieh, M., Grandison, A. & Corbett, G. G. (2021). Uncovering variation in classifier assignment in Oceanic. ExLing 2021. Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 11-13 October 2021, Athens, Greece, pp. 81-84.
Tham, D.S.Y., Sowden, P.T., Grandison, A., Franklin, A., Lee, A., Ng, M. & Park, J. (2020). A systematic investigation of conceptual colour associations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149(7):1311-1332. doi: 10.1037/xge0000703.
Zajacova, K., Hepper, E. & Grandison, A. Reconciling Diverse Student and Employer Voices on Employability Skills and Work-Based Learning. In Lygo-Baker, Simon, Kinchin, Ian, Winstone, Naomi (Eds.) Engaging Student Voices in Higher Education Diverse Perspectives and Expectations in Partnership. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Mehta, B., Sowden, P.T. & Grandison, A. Does deuteranomaly place children at a disadvantage in educational settings? A systematic literature review. In MacDonald, L.W., Biggam, C. P., & Paramei, G. V. Progress in Colour Studies - Cognition, Language and Beyond. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins, 2018.
Grandison, A., Sowden, P.T., Drivonikou, V.G., Notman, L.A., Alexander, I., & Davies, I.R.L. (2016). Chromatic perceptual learning but no category effects without linguistic input. Frontiers in Psychology: Perception Science, 7, 731.
Grandison, A., Davies, I.R.L., & Sowden, P.T. (2014). The Evolution of GRUE: Evidence for a new colour term in the language of the Himba. In W. Anderson, C. P. Biggam, C. Hough and C. Kay. Colour Studies: A broad spectrum. Amsterdam, NL: Benjamins, pp. 53-66.
He, X., Witzel, C., Forder, F., Clifford, A., & Franklin, A. (2014). Color categories only affect post-perceptual processes when same- and different-category colors are equally discriminable. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 31, A322-A331.
Taylor, C., Clifford A. & Franklin, A. (2013). Color preferences are not Universal. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 1015-1028.
Clifford, A., Franklin, A., Holmes, A., Drivonikou, G.V., Ozgen, E., & Davies, I.R.L. (2012). Neural correlates of acquired color category effects. Brain and Cognition, 80, 126-143.
Taylor, C. & Franklin, A. (2012). The relationship between color-object associations and color preference: Further investigation of Ecological Valence Theory. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 190-197.
Franklin, A., Gibbons, E., Chittenden, K., Taylor, C. & Alvarez, J. (2011). Infant color preference for red is not selectively context specific. Emotion, in press.
Franklin, A. & Sowden, P. (2011). Colour in Autism Spectrum Disorders. In Biggam, Carole P., Hough, Carole, Kay, Christian & Simmons, David R.C. (Eds.), New Directions in Colour Studies. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, Amsterdam, NL.
Clifford, A.,Franklin, A., Holmes, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2011). Investigating the underlying mechanisms of categorical perception of colour using the Event-Related Potential technique. In Biggam, Carole P., Hough, Carole, Kay, Christian & Simmons, David R.C. (Eds.), New Directions in Colour Studies. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, Amsterdam, NL.
Drivonikou, G.V., Clifford, A.,Franklin, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2011). Category training affects colour discrimination but only in the right visual field. In Biggam, Carole P., Hough, Carole, Kay, Christian & Simmons, David R.C. (Eds.), New Directions in Colour Studies. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, Amsterdam, NL.
Clifford, A., Holmes, A., Davies, I.R.L & Franklin, A. (2010). Color categories affect pre-attentive color perception. Biological Psychology, 85, 275-282.
Franklin, A., Bevis, L., Ling, Y. & Hurlbert, A. (2010). Biological components of infant colour preference. Developmental Science, 13, 346-354.
Franklin, A., Catherwood, D., Alvarez, J. & Axelsson, E. (2010). Hemispheric asymmetries in categorical perception of orientation in infants and adults. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2640-2647.
Franklin, A., Sowden, P., Notman, L., Gonzales-Dixon, M., West, D., Alexander, I., Loveday, S. & White, A. (2010). Reduced chromatic discrimination in children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Developmental Science, 13, 188-200.
Clifford, A.,Franklin, A., Davies, I.R.L. & Holmes, A. (2009). Electrophysiological markers of color categories in the infant brain. Brain and Cognition, 71, 165-172.
Franklin, A. (2009). Pre-linguistic categorical perception of colour cannot be explained by colour preference: response to Roberson and Hanley. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, 501-502.
Franklin, A., Wright, O. & Davies, I.R.L. (2009). What can we learn from toddlers about Categorical Perception of Colour? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 102, 239-245.
Holmes, A.,Franklin, A., Clifford, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2009). Neuro-physiological evidence for Categorical Perception of Colour: evidence from Event-Related Potentials on a visual oddball task. Brain and Cognition, 69, 426-434.
Franklin, A., Drivonikou, G.V., Bevis, L., Davies, I.R.L., Kay, P. & Regier, T. (2008). Categorical Perception of color is lateralized to the right hemisphere in infants, but to the left hemisphere in adults. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 3221-3225.
Franklin, A., Drivonikou, G.V., Clifford, A., Kay, P., Regier, T. & Davies, I.R.L. (2008). Lateralization of Categorical Perception of color changes with color term acquisition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 47, 18221-18225.
Franklin, A., Pitchford, N.J.P., Mahony, L., Davies, I.R.L., Clausse, S. & Jennings, S. (2008). Salience of primary and secondary colours in infancy. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26, 471-483.
Franklin, A., Sowden, P., Burley, R., Notman, L. & Alder, E. (2008). Colour perception in children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 1837-47.
Drivonikou, V., Kay, P., Regier, T., Ivry, R., Gilbert, A.,Franklin, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2007). Further evidence of Whorfian effects to the right visual field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104, (3), 1097-1102.
Daoutis, C.,Franklin, A., Riddett, A., Clifford, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2006). Categorical effects in children's colour search: a cross-linguistic comparison. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 23, 1-29.
Franklin, A. (2006). Constraints on children’s colour term acquisition. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 94, 322-327.
Franklin, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2006). Converging evidence for pre-linguistic colour categorisation. In C.P Biggam & N. Pitchford (Eds.), Progress in Colour Studies: Psychological Aspects (pp. 101-120). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Franklin, A., Clifford, A., Williamson, E. & Davies, I.R.L. (2005). Colour term knowledge does not affect Categorical Perception of colour in toddlers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 90, 114-141.
Franklin, A., Pilling, M. & Davies, I.R.L. (2005). The nature of infant colour categorisation: Evidence from eye-movements on a target detection task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 91, 227-248.
Franklin, A. & Davies, I.R.L. (2004). New evidence for infant colour categories. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22 (3), 349-377.
Davies, I. & Franklin, A. (2002). Categorical similarity may affect colour pop-out in infants after-all. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20, 185-203.
- ESRC Festival of Social Science, University of Surrey, “How language shapes thought: Categorisation in the South Pacific”, public webinar, 2020
- Westdene Primary School, “What is Psychology?”, school visit and careers talk, 2020
- Hungry Minds Childcare, “What does a scientist do?”, nursery school visit and careers talk, 2020
- University Global Partnership Network, The University of Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2017
- Royal Holloway, University of London, 2017
- Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2015
- St Peters Catholic School, Guildford, 2015
- Centre for Research in Cognition, Emotion and Interaction, University of Roehampton, 2014
- Café Scientifique, Guildford, 2014
- Institute for Mathematical Behavioural Sciences, University of California, Irvine, 2011
- Ivry Lab, University of California, Berkeley, 2011
- Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, 2011
- Whitney-Silver-Palmer-Prinzmetal-Robertson research meeting, University of California, Berkeley, 2011
- Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego, 2011
- Center for the Explanation of Consciousness, Stanford University, 2011
- Institute of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, 2011
- Invited speaker, Optical Society of America Fall Vision Meeting, USA, 2010
- Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College, 2010
- Invited debate, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen 2010
- Vision@UCL, University College London, 2009
- Keynote Address, Iberian Conference of Perception, 2009
- Whitehead Lecture, Goldsmiths University, 2009
- Language and Development Group, Oxford University, 2009
- Adult and Child Cognition Group, Royal Holloway, 2009
- Department of Psychology, Oxford Brookes University, 2008
- Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, 2008
- Health Sciences, University of Roehampton, 2008
- Psychology Department, University of Reading, 2007
- Psychology Department, University of Bangor, 2007
- Psychology Department, Lancaster University, 2006
- Childhood Research in Autism Cognition Group, University of Nottingham, 2006
- Centre for Childhood Development and Learning, The Open University, 2005
- Dannemiller Lab, Rice University, Houston, USA, 2004
- Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College, 2004
- Surrey Morphology Group, University of Surrey, 2004
- Developmental Psychology Group, University of Nottingham, 2003
- Surrey-Essex-Goldsmiths CogPop Group, University of Surrey, 2003
- Developmental Psychology Group, Oxford University, 2003
Television, radio and podcast appearances
- LushTums the podcast, “Babies, Language and Perception”, podcast interview
- LushTums website, “Pregnancy Diary”, online blog
- Science Weekly, “What can babies see?”
- Guardian Virtual Reality, " Virtual Impressions: The First Year of Life"
- ZDF Television, Germany, “The Magic of Colours”
- BBC Horizon “Do You See What I See?”
- BBC Radio 4 "Technicolour: Colour Naming"
- The Naked Scientist, BBC 5 Live
- Southern Counties Radio
- Eagle Radio (Surrey)
- National Public Radio (USA)
- Radio 6PR Perth (Australia)
- Beat Radio (Ireland)
- Mercury Radio (England)
Newspaper / Magazine articles
- The Guardian
- BBC News Online
- The Times
- Junior Baby and Pregnancy Magazine
- Take-a-Break
- Daily Mirror
- Stylist
- Daily Record
- Surrey Advertiser
- Terra Online (Spain)
- Obera online (Argentina)
- La Tercera Online (Colombia)
- PakTribune Online (Pakistan)
- Mente & Cervello (Mind and Brain; Italy)
Public engagement events
- Future Frontiers: transforming the life chances of disadvantaged young people, 2017
- Psychology and Education: A Workshop for Stakeholders, 2015
- Café Scientifique Guildford, 2014
- Science Showoff, British Science Academy Science Communication Festival, 2014
- Bright Club Scotland, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2013
- Bright Club Guildford, 2012
- Cow & Gate Baby Club; “The Happy Song”, 2016
- Dyrup Ltd; Infant colour perception, 2007
- Wish Films; Attention in toddlers for development of a TV programme for toddlers, 2006