Top ten tips for writing your CV
Follow the below steps to help improve your CV.
Use clear font
Choose a clear, easy to read font and use this throughout the whole document. Use bold, underline or a larger font size for headings.
Include the following
Your CV should include the following sections:
- Personal contact details
- Profile
- Work or professional experience
- Academic qualifications
- Vocational qualifications or training courses
- Interests
- References.
Don't overwrite
The standard length of a CV is two pages of A4, unless there is a specific need to provide extra information about a particular area.
Be concise
You should write in a concise or bullet pointed format so that the recruiter can easily understand your skills and experience.
Work in reverse chronological order
Your work experience and qualifications sections should be shown in reverse chronological order (most recent working back to the earliest dates).
Describe yourself
The profile can be written in paragraph format and should describe what you do/who you are. E.g. ‘An economics graduate’ or ‘an experienced office administrator’ and is for you to summarise your key skills and your personality.
Explain gaps in employment
Make sure you have accounted for all gaps in employment or education. E.g. If you took a gap year and went travelling, write about it. Where did you go? What did you learn?
List your education
If you have studied at college or university, ensure you provide as many details as you can about the course:
- Write a summary
- Detail each of the modules
- State what qualification you gained
- How is it relevant to the job you are applying for?
Personalise your CV
Don’t send off the same CV for every job you apply for. Make each CV as specific and relevant to the job as you can by reading the advert and making sure your skills and qualifications match.
Be truthful
Make sure that all the information you include is accurate and genuine. You will be asked questions about your CV at the interview, and you should be able to demonstrate and give evidence that you have done everything you say you have.