Human-AI team collaboration at work
We are looking for applications from enthusiastic, creative, and highly motivated students for a three-year fully funded PhD studentship in the Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence (AI), at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom. Funded doctoral research projects will investigate how human employees collaborate with AI systems at work, and to design inclusive, fair, and responsible AI for Human-AI Teaming. The student will be based in the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI and can benefit from the resources from the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP).
Start date
1 January 2023Duration
3.5 yearsApplication deadline
Funding source
University of SurreyFunding information
A stipend of £17,668 for 2022/23, which will increase each year in line with the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) rate, plus Home rate fee allowance of £4,596 (with automatic increase to UKRI rate each year). The studentship is offered for 3.5 years. For exceptional international candidates, there is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship to cover overseas fees.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we work in various organisations and across industries. AI-systems are implemented to replace many low-skilled and unskilled jobs previously undertaken by human employees, to decrease workload, increase efficiency, and assist employees with decision-making. As the intelligence level of machines increases, collaboration between human employees and AI systems becomes more common and interdependent. Consequently, the role of the AI changes, transforming from a technology used as a tool to full team members. Team collaboration between human employees and AI systems may unfold differently compared to all-human teams. Employees are gradually facing a more competitive working environment, not only competing with other human work colleagues, but also with AI systems as new team members.
To successfully implement human-AI teams in organisational settings, it is critical to understand how employees adapt to new collaborative settings and how human employees should be protected from AI-augmented workplace. This PhD project will aim to investigate how to support human employees working alongside AI or in algorithmically managed workplaces in order to promote their career growth.
Eligibility criteria
We are looking for applications from enthusiastic, creative, and highly motivated students. In addition to excellent numerical and programming skills, previous experience in deep learning, and/or tourism and hospitality industry would be highly advantageous.
Home (UK) fees are covered. For exceptional international candidates, there is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship to cover overseas fees.
You will need to meet the minimum entry requirements for our PhD programme.
How to apply
Applications should be submitted via the Vision, Speech and Signal Processing PhD programme page on the "Apply" tab. Please clearly state the studentship title and supervisor on your application.
Vision, Speech and Signal Processing PhD
Studentship FAQs
Read our studentship FAQs to find out more about applying and funding.
Application deadline
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