Intelligent information fusion in distributed sensing
Two fully funded PhD studentships available in the area of intelligent information fusion for distributed sensing and learning.
Start date
1 January 2023Duration
3.5 yearsApplication deadline
Funding source
SAAB and CVSSPFunding information
A stipend of £16,062 for 2022/23, which will increase each year in line with the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) rate, plus Home rate fee allowance of £4,500 (with automatic increase to UKRI rate each year). For exceptional international candidates, there is the possibility of obtaining a scholarship to cover overseas fees.
The University of Surrey is offering two fully-funded PhD studentships on the topics of intelligent information fusion for distributed sensing and learning, with industrial partner SAAB. One is on the topic of uncertainty modelling and quantification for heterogeneous sensor/effector networks. The other is on the topic of cooperative sensor fusion and management for distributed sensor swarms.
Students will be supervised by Professor Wenwu Wang in the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) and Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence and Professor Pei Xiao in the 5G/6G Innovation Centre and Institute of Communication Systems, at the University of Surrey. The PhD students will be based at the CVSSP. They will benefit from resources from CVSSP, the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI, and Institute of Communication Systems, and secondment opportunities at SAAB.
About Saab
Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions from military defence to civil security. With operations in over 100 countries, Saab continuously develops, adapts and improves new technology to meet customers' changing needs.
Saab’s strategy has always been to be on the forefront in using new technologies in selected areas to come up with innovative solutions in their priority areas like electronic surveillance systems, aeronautics, sensors, underwater systems, and command and control that meet customers’ needs better than the competitors.
University collaboration is a very important part of the puzzle for Saab to be innovative and stay in the forefront in technology development and we have strategic partnerships with many universities globally. All university partnerships are well selected based on different criteria for different markets. Saab in the UK has a clear strategy in growing operations and R&D and is collaborating with Surrey University in supporting the areas of distributed sensor network. The two PhD projects are jointly funded by Saab and Surrey in supporting such collaborations.
Saab has long-recognised that access to the very best expertise is essential in order to remain at the very edge of technological development. They now have more than 18 000 employees in 35 different markets. A majority of them are engineers. Successful PhDs would have a very good opportunity to work for Saab should that be of interest.
Related links
Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal ProcessingEligibility criteria
All applicants should have (or expect to obtain) a first-class degree in a numerate discipline (mathematics, science or engineering) or MSc with distinction (or 70% average) and a strong interest in pursuing research in this field. Additional experience which is relevant to the area of research is also advantageous.
IELTS requirements: IELTS 6.5 or above (or equivalent) with no sub-test of less than 6.
This studentship is open to UK, EU and international students.
How to apply
Applications should be made through our Vision Speech and Signal Processing PhD programme page on the "Apply" tab. Please note in your application form that you are applying to "Prof Wenwu Wang at CVSSP".
Please prepare to submit your CV; degree certificates and transcripts; names of 2 referees (ideally uploading 2 references at time of application also); and research proposal (including examples of previous project work). Please email Professor Wenwu Wang ( confirming that your application has been submitted.
Vision, Speech and Signal Processing PhD
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