Information for University of Surrey staff

Links with a padlock require staff to login, with some sites also requiring you to be logged into GlobalProtect.

Remote access

A range of options are available for off-site access to university facilities and information.

Preparing to work off-campus 

If you need to work off campus it is a good idea to:

  • Connect to the University network regularly. It is important to bring in your laptop and connect it to the University network on a regular basis. This will ensure that you have the latest updates installed and the most recent files synced to your device if you do plan to work off campus. 
  • Test your device and access. If you have not used the Internet or VPN service to access files and applications remotely install and/or test the service prior to working off campus.
  • Remember that a number of services including email, Microsoft Teams and access to web services are available without the need to connect to VPN services. Please only login to these services if you require additional access to services or applications
  • The GlobalProtect VPN service is geo-fenced (limited to being available in certain geographic locations) to the UK plus limited additional locations, based on risk assessment.