Our sustainability research focuses on understanding the social and psychological factors which may help to understand and change (un)sustainable behaviours and practices.
Our work examines a broad range of environmental issues from the local to the global. Much of this work is multidisciplinary in nature and aims to support environmental policy and management.
Key research areas
Our work falls within five key areas:
- Resources and energy
- Transport
- Sustainable consumption
- Sustainable urban living
- Waste, pollution and litter
- Knowledge exchange.
Resources and energy
The depletion of non-renewable energy sources and materials and environmental pollution caused by the burning of fuels are major societal issues. Our work examines people’s perceptions of energy issues and their responses to energy-saving policies, interventions and technologies.
- 2016-2021: JUNO – a network for Japan-UK nuclear opportunities. More information: c.r.jones@surrey.ac.uk
- 2017 – 2019: The influence of habit on our behaviours – AMRSim. More information: K.Wyles@surrey.ac.uk
- 2014-2015: Public perceptions of Carbon Dioxide Utilisation in the UK and Germany. More information: c.r.jones@surrey.ac.uk
- 2011-2013: Energy Innovation for Deprived Communities (i.e. the BIG Energy Upgrade). More information: c.r.jones@surrey.ac.uk
- 2010-2013: REDUCE (Reshaping Energy Demand of Users by Communication Technology and Economic Incentives). More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2012: Understanding responses to the UK Government’s ‘Green Deal’. More information: c.r.jones@surrey.ac.uk
The transport modes people use for work and leisure have a major impact on the environment as well as the transport users themselves. Cars, can get people to places quick and easy but also cause noise, pollution and dangers.
Our research provides an environmental psychology perspective on transport choices and behaviours. It examines why and how people use different modes and how this affects them, their wellbeing, their social and environmental perceptions and their identities.
- 2021: Promoting active travel in Surrey. Living Lab project with the Surrey Climate Commission. Birgitta Gatersleben: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2020: Travel to work, pre-during and post Covid-19. Nicola Rieg: n.rieg@surrey.ac.uk
- 2019: The Social-symbolic aspects of transportation: Birgitta Gatersleben: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2012: When it comes to how I travel, who am I? More information. More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2009: Hoody, goody or buddy: how mode use affects social perceptions. More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2001: Quiet Lanes (speed in country) – Surrey County Council. More information: d.uzzell@surrey.ac.uk
- 1998 - 2001: The risk perceptions of transport generated air pollution. More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2000 - 2001: Promoting cycling to work: attitudes and perceptions in different stages of change. More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 1999 – 2001: Conflict and Shared Use Project – Countryside Agency. More information: d.uzzell@surrey.ac.uk
Sustainable consumption
One of the major challenges in today’s society is the rapid increase in- and replacement of the consumption of material goods and products. Excessive production and consumption of material products damages the natural environment and results in rapidly depleting natural resources.
There is also significant evidence that an excessive focus on material consumption is associated with lower wellbeing.
Our research examines how we can tackle excessive consumption in order to promote more sustainable lifestyles characterised by lower environmental impact and high wellbeing.
- 2016 – 2021: Living well with less (part of CUSP (Centre for Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity). More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2014 – 2015: TRANSFER: Trading approaches to nurturing sustainable consumption in fashion and energy retail. More information: c.r.jones@surrey.ac.uk
- 2011 – 2013: LOCAW: Low Carbon at Work: Modelling agents and organisations to achieve transition to a low carbon Europe. More information: d.uzzell@surrey.ac.uk
- 2010 – 2013: ELICIT (Exploring lifestyle changes in transition). b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2006 – 2011: RESOLVE (Research on Lifestyles Values and the Environment: http://resolve.sustainablelifestyles.ac.uk). More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2009 – 2010: Teenage consumerism: Exploring the relationship between material and environmental values, consumer behaviour and wellbeing among 16-25 your olds in the UK, Spain and China. More information: b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2009-2010: The 21st century living project (with EDEN project). A one year longitudinal study among 100 households examining options for establishing more sustainable household consumption patterns. b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
Sustainable urban living
This research is linked to the University's Urban Living Strategic Research Theme.
- 2020-2022 MyGlobalHome Pilot Demonstrator. Innovate UK: Transforming UK construction: demonstrator projects, £641,000 UniS, £3.8M grant for project value of £7.9M. Principal Investigator: Chris Jones (EPRG)
- 2019 - 2020: A Living Lab for Clean, Sustainable and Healthy Communities via Advanced Technologies at Surrey: Surrey Living Lab ,HEIF Industrial Strategy fund. Principal Investigator: Chris Jones (EPRG)
- 2018-2022: STEEP Carbon-Trans. Germany Government, Department of Education and Research: €32,000. Principal Investigator: R.P. Lee, Freiberg Technical University, German. Co-investigator: Chris Jones (EPRG)
Waste, pollution and litter
This work examines how waste, litter and pollution in the environment affects human interaction and experiences with those environments as well as people’s awareness of this waste and pollution and their willingness to help protect environments and prevent and clean waste and pollution.
- 2016-2019: People’s perceptions and willingness to act regarding the issue of marine litter in the Arctic (part of MARP). K.Wyles@surrey.ac.uk
- 2016: People’s perception and importance of microplastics. K.Wyles@surrey.ac.uk
- 2014-6: Looking at the impacts of clean up initiatives on the volunteers. K.Wyles@surrey.ac.uk
- 2012 – 2016: Testing interventions to promote the recycling, and reduction of household food waste. For more information: l.shearer@surrey.ac.uk; b.gatersleben@surrey.ac.uk
- 2003 – 2004: The Surrey Scholar Research Project in Waste recycling. More information: d.uzzell@surrey.ac.uk
Knowledge exchange
Knowledge exchange and impact are central to a lot of the work we conduct withing the EPRG.
EPRG is co-leading (with the University of Exeter) a major ESRC investment that aims to champion environmental social science in the UK: ACCESS (Advancing Capacity for Climate and Environment Social Science).
ACCESS is a five-year climate and environment social science project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). It is headed by Professor Patrick-Devine Wright of the University of Exeter, with Professor Birgitta Gatersleben of the University of Surrey as Deputy Director. ACCESS aims to provide leadership on the social science contribution to tackling and solving a range of environmental problems. ACCESS will provide insights to find fresh thinking and new solutions to support the transition to a sustainable and biodiverse environment and a net zero society.
ACCESS consists of four work packages underpinned by three crosscutting themes of ‘Knowledge Co-Production’, ‘Equality, Diversity & Inclusion’, and ‘Net Zero Sustainability’:
WP1. Map, Assess and Learn from the past experiences of social scientists to catalyse change in policy culture, institutions (e.g., civil service), businesses and civil society.
WP2. Empower environmental social scientists at different learning and career stages by providing tailored training and capacity building.
WP3. Innovate by creating new ideas and testing new approaches that enable social scientists to play influential, leading roles in addressing environmental challenges.
WP4. Champion and coordinate environmental social scientists across the UK and internationally by providing an accessible knowledge/data hub and innovative public engagement tracker
The natural environment
The EPRG conducts a range of different research projects examining if, when and how people benefit from engaging with natural places. A key aim of our work is to contribute to the design and management of natural spaces and nature-interventions to maximise their benefit for all.
2022-2026: Act with Nature (AWN) - Promoting well-being and pro-environmental behaviour among working-age adults during the era of environmental crises (Ellie Ratcliffe)
2022-2025: Valuing the mental health and well-being benefits of nature engagement through measures of soundscape complexity (Ellie Ratcliffe)
2021-2022 – Less Netflix, More Nature. UGPN-funded project examining perceptions of Nature prescriptions across the world. With North Carolina State University, University of São Paulo, and University of Wollongong (Melissa Marselle & Birgitta Gatersleben).
Dr Forest – Diversity of Forests affecting human health and well-being (Melissa Marselle)
EKLIPSE - Which types and components of urban and peri-urban blue and green spaces have an impact on mental health? (Melissa Marselle)
Place and space
2021-2022: Caring—with Cities - Enacting more careful urban approaches with community-led developments and policymakers (Ellie Ratcliffe)
2020-2022: MyGlobalHome 'Connected Living' Demonstrator
2020-present: North West Guildford 2030