Learning Brain Lab

The primary research questions of the Learning Brain Lab are how children acquire knowledge and develop cognitive skills, and why some children experience difficulties in developing those skills.

Welcome to our Lab!

We mainly investigate numerical and mathematical cognition because it intersects with the development of several processes such as magnitude, executive functions, and language. We use a variety of behavioural designs such as longitudinal, interventional, and cross-cultural, and also neuroscientific methods such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), electroencephalography (EEG), and brain stimulation.

Join the Lab

If you are interested in joining the Lab as a postdoctoral fellow, PhD student, or short-term fellow, or if you are a student and would like to do your undergraduate or master dissertation, or your placement in the Learning Brain Lab, please email m.soltanlou@surrey.ac.uk.

Explore the Lab

Lab members

Dr Mojtaba Soltanlou

Learning Brain Lab Director

I studied Occupational Therapy for my undergraduate and master's degrees in Iran and worked with children with developmental and learning disorders between 2005 and 2012. I moved to Germany and completed my PhD in Neuroscience in 2017 at the University of Tuebingen with summa cum laude. It was followed by a two-year postdoct in the same lab, and my second postdoc at We...