EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Micro- and NanoMaterials and Technologies

The core of our Centre lies in solving academically challenging and industrially relevant problems through a profound understanding of processing–microstructure–property relationships. We have a unique focus on characterisation and provide sponsoring organisations with use of state-of-the-art instrumentation equipment.

Piers presenting

Become a student

Engineering doctorate (EngD) students, or research engineers as they are known, are part of our Centre and will spend four years principally with their industrial sponsor, and return to the University for courses and to use the characterisation facilities.

Our people

Professor Robert Dorey

Director of the Centre

Professor Robert Dorey holds the chair in Nanomaterials at the University of Surrey and is Fellow of the Institute Materials, Mining and Minerals (FIMMM) and Higher Education Academy (FHEA) as well as a Chartered Scientist and Engineer. Professor Dorey joined the University of Surrey from Cranfield University in 2014. Between 2003 and 2008 he held a prestigious Royal Academy of ...

Dr Mark Whiting

Deputy Director of the Centre

The broad area I research is materials ageing and performance. This includes materials for the energy, defence, aerospace, and transport sectors. Many of the materials and systems I research are made by additive manufacture which pose new challenges. I use a variety of materials characterisation tools to explore materials ageing and performance, especially advanced microsco...