Plastic recycling technology and outputs: Enhancing material longevity and product quality towards commercialisation
Start date
July 2020End date
September 2022Project website
Currently, 88 per cent of the plastic used in the world is either buried, burned or leaked into the environment, which means that we only recycle 12 per cent of the 359 million tons of plastic produced globally each year.
Collaborating with Recycling Technologies alongside the University of Birmingham and Cranfield University, we will contribute to the development of an online monitoring system which will predict and control Plaxx® (a recycled feedstock which can be used to manufacture new plastic) quality based on input composition and process conditions.
The aim of this is to reduce running costs and improve efficiency for the RT7000, a machine manufactured by Recycling Technologies which converts waste plastics into Plaxx®, and in turn will speed up the development of commercial chemical recycling benefitting the environment by reducing the need to incinerate, bury or export residual plastic waste.
Funding amount
£1.2 million
Principal investigator

Additional researchers

Dr Hameed Mahood
Postdoctoral Research Assistant