Social Emotions and Equality in Relations (SEER) research group

The Social Emotions and Equality in Relations (SEER) Research Group in the School of Psychology, is a group of social and personality psychologists whose research focuses on social emotions and judgements, gender and sexuality, the self and interpersonal relationships.

The SEER group meets regularly, invites guest speakers, discusses work in progress, and provides PhD training workshops. We also host visits from international scholars and students. We deliver an MSc degree program in Social Psychology. The University of Surrey has hosted the 2020 European Association for Social Psychology Summer School.

Stay connected


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☀️SEER Group end of semester social by the lake. ☀️
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Today is IDAHOBIT. A recent paper by @fabiofas17 and colleagues examined the role of reclaimed homophobic language…
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New paper from SEER. @HarrietTenenba3 When children put in more effort and feel enjoyment about doing their homewo…

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Lewis Carroll Building (AC)
University of Surrey
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