Megan James
"I was drawn to the fact that students on this course use both the biosciences and veterinary medicine facilities. Not many other courses offered this and it was very beneficial in first year!"
Veterinary Biosciences BSc (Hons)Choosing Surrey
I applied to Surrey through Clearing after initially not planning on going to university that year and was drawn to the fact that students on this course use both the biosciences and veterinary medicine facilities, in particular the veterinary pathology laboratory. Not many other veterinary bioscience courses offered this and it was very beneficial during the veterinary anatomy and physiology module in first year!
My course
This course is very practically driven, especially in the first two years, so there are plenty of opportunities to develop lab-based skills to complement any theoretical lecture content. There are many occasions where you’ll work in a group setting, and whilst this can be stressful at times, I have met many of my closest friends from being put together in groups. The lecturers are all very passionate about their subjects and this shows in their teaching.
"There hasn’t been one singular moment that has made my experience at Surrey especially good but instead a huge collection. I have met some friends for life here and made some great memories."
Careers support
Throughout my time at Surrey there has been plenty of careers support, in the form of timetabled sessions with career advisers, career fairs and opportunities to talk with professionals in the working world. I’ve always known I wanted to apply to study veterinary medicine once I graduate from this course, so although I didn’t necessarily need careers support at this stage, it definitely opened my eyes to all the possible career options you can pursue with a veterinary biosciences degree.
I’ve been a member of VetSoc and joined a few of the bar crawls to blow off steam! There are excellent support systems in the society and they actively encourage you to look after your wellbeing. I’ve learnt some wellbeing techniques that are particularly beneficial during the dreaded exam seasons.
Making memories
There hasn’t been one singular moment that has made my experience at Surrey especially good but instead a huge collection. I have met some friends for life here and made some great memories, from roasting s’mores on the firepit to going on a ski trip with my housemates to countless evenings spent at the pub. It’s been so easy to meet new people and being open to new friendships has really enhanced my experience. It helps that Guildford has so many great pubs, bars and restaurants to try and even after three-and-a-half years here, I’m nowhere near trying everything so there certainly is something for everybody.
Find out more about our Veterinary Biosciences BSc and our Veterinary Medicine and Science BVMSci.