Student profile
Stuart Loughrey

Stuart Loughrey

"Learning in the Surrey Clinical Simulation Centre had been excellent. The academic staff have also been very supportive and patient. The support throughout the whole MSc course has been amazing."

Developing my career

I chose the Advanced Clinical Practice course at Surrey as the next step of my clinical professional development as a paramedic. I have worked for the NHS as a paramedic for a number of years, and I felt the course offered a good range of modules to develop my skills.

I was fortunate enough to successfully qualify for a funded place on my course with my local clinical commissioning group (CCG). To receive this funding, I had to go through an interview process with the CCG and with the University.

Studying at Surrey

I was very nervous before starting the Advanced Clinical Practice course. It's been a while since I studied at university, and the course also started the same month my second child was born!  

Learning in the Surrey Clinical Simulation Centre had been excellent. The academic staff have also been very supportive and patient. The support throughout the whole MSc course has been amazing.

As an Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) in primary care, I work at a high autonomous level and provide additional support to GPs and allied health professionals, while improving patient access to healthcare. My course has allowed me to work at the top of my scope of practice.

My wife has been the most supportive person during my postgraduate studies and looking after our two children whilst I’ve been busy studying has not always been the easiest! My supervisor for my dissertation has also been fantastic and really helped me develop my project. 

The future

Looking ahead I want to keep working as an ACP, and potentially move into management in the future.