Accommodation for visiting students

All visiting students are eligible to apply for university accommodation. 

Where can I stay?

Independent research placement students

Independent research placement students are eligible to apply for university accommodation and we can generally offer a room to students coming during the normal semester dates (mid-Sep to late Jan or early Feb to mid-Jun) or between mid-June and the end of August in the summer vacation period. Student coming outside these periods may need to rent a room in the private sector.

Exchange and study abroad students

We can generally allocate rooms to all of our exchange and study abroad students, but it is not guaranteed.

Our accommodation is grouped into self-catered courts of residence on three sites:

  • Stag Hill (our main campus where most academic buildings are located)
  • Manor Park (our residential village, 5 minutes by bus/15 minutes on foot) 
  • Hazel Farm (2 miles north/20 to 30 minutes by bus + 5 minute walk).

See our campus map (PDF).

Find out more about our accommodation, what is included and the prices.

How to apply

We will email you with details of how to apply for university accommodation in:

  • July for semester 1 entry
  • November for semester 2 entry.

The email will contain your unique student number (University ID), which you need in order to apply. You will need to indicate your price band order of preference but you will not be able to specify a particular court or site. If you have any specific requirements (e.g. quiet, single-sex, alcohol-free, you need to purchase a mini-fridge for your medication, etc.), these can be entered on the form.

Confirmation of room allocation

The Accommodation team will confirm by email whether you have been allocated a room in:

  • late August for semester 1 entry
  • December for semester 2 entry.

Paying for your room

You must make a pre-payment of £250 to secure your room. You will then be invoiced via your Surrey email for the remainder of the semester’s fees a couple of weeks after your arrival. You can opt to pay in insalments if you prefer. Find out more about paying for your room and how to pay your fees.

Renting in the private sector

For guidance on finding a room to rent in the private sector, see our privately rented accommodation pages

Prepare for your exhange

Once you have been accepted, you should take a look at our Welcome website for the next steps and important pre-arrival information and checklists.