
To provide direction and governance to our forthcoming sustainability strategy, we have established an Executive Sustainability Steering Group. 

Environmental Sustainability Steering Group (ESSG)

The aim of the ESSG is to act as the strategic group that oversees, monitors and guides the delivery of the sustainability strategy across the University. The group reports to the Infrastructure Management Board and Executive Board as necessary.

The ESSG is chaired by Professor Bob Nichol, Pro-Vice- Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences and member of the University’s Executive Board, who has board-level responsibility for sustainability at Surrey.

Working groups

The ESSG has set up a number of working groups to take forward different aspects of the sustainability strategy:

  • Operational sustainability (energy, water and waste)
  • Sustainability in the curriculum  
  • Sustainability research enhancement
  • Transport and travel.

The working groups meet quarterly and update on the progress to the ESSG at least every six months. The members of the ESSG and its working groups feature senior management, staff and student representatives.