REDICLAIM: REduction of DIsease risk CLAIMS on food and drinks
The University of Surrey is co-ordinating REDICLAIM (REduction of DIsease risk CLAIMs on food and drinks), a collaboration with researchers at the Slovenian Nutrition Institute (NUTRIS), Aarhus University (Denmark) and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).
REDICLAIM seeks to understand the way in which the European Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods and associated legislation has had and continues to have an impact on the substantiation and use of “reduction of disease risk” claims on food and drinks.
To achieve this REDICLAIM will:
- Seek to understand the (a) main issues and hurdles concerning substantiation and use of “reduction of disease risk” claims on food and drinks; (b) level of awareness about legal obligations with regard to “reduction of disease risk” claims on food and drinks among the relevant stakeholders; and
- Produce a three-fold study of the impact of nutrition and health claims legislation specific to “reduction of disease risk” claims on food and drinks on: (a) The claim substantiation process, (b) Health research and/or innovation in the food chain, and (c) Nutrition economic models to determine health impact.
REDICLAIM results will contribute to:
- the development of an evidence base of the process by which health and nutrition claims are made and controlled by regulatory frameworks;
- the effectiveness of their control by regulation;
- the establishment of recommendations for government, industry and the scientific community with a view to conducting the necessary research and development of such products.
The aim of this will be to achieve both effective compliance with better regulation and, to contribute to the enhancement of innovative and competitive products.
- Monique Raats (Project Co-ordinator)
- Charo Hodgkins
University of Surrey researchers
- Giovanna Fiates
- Bernadette Egan
- Heather Gage (Economics)
- Dan Jackson (Economics)
- Anastasia Karatzia (Law)
- Rosalind Malcolm (Law)
- Lada Timotijevic