Postgraduate research students
Take a look at what our postgraduate research students are working on.
Dr Ella Schneider - Research Liaison Fellow

''I joined the University of Surrey in 2015 when I started an undergraduate physics master's programme (MPhys) including a research placement year which I undertook at the Surrey Ion Beam Centre (part of the Advanced Physics Institute). I gained a huge amount of experimental experience during this placement. My research used ion beams to measure semiconducting crystals with Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy and ion channelling.
After my MPhys, I returned to the Ion Beam Centre for a PhD under the supervision of Prof Jonathan England and Prof Ben Murdin. I researched how ion implantation can be used to produce isotopically pure Si for production of quantum computers. During this project I learned a huge amount about semiconductor fabrication processes and characterisation techniques, as well as how to problem-solve and develop critical thinking. I had the opportunity to present my work at international conferences and publish my work in leading journals. The work environment was very supportive (despite the Covid-19 pandemic falling at the start of my PhD) and I really enjoyed my time.
I am now a Research Liaison Fellow at the Ion Beam Centre, continuing my research and running the single ion implanter tool SIMPLE''.
- Dr Ella Schneider
Ming Xu - Postgraduate Researcher

''Since joining the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) in 2020, I began my studies as a PhD candidate focusing on minimally Invasive power supply with long-term stability for implantable electronic systems. Surrounded by excellent researchers and supportive staff, I had an amazing experience during the last several years pursuing my academic progress under the guidance of Professor Silva Ravi at ATI and Dr Yunlong Zhao at Imperial College London. Thanks to them, I was honoured to be able to attend inspiring and influential meetings including the European Materials Research Society to give oral presentation to share my research and gain innovative ideas, and also started a postgraduate research project as a visiting PhD student under Dr Yunlong Zhao at Imperial College London.
With advanced facilities and equipment in ATI, I could explore as many possibilities as I could think of, the experience here has cultivated my capability to face any engineering challenges positively and developed critical thinking towards various related research areas. Apart from my studies, I also enjoyed a fulfilling personal life such as gaining swimming skills and working out at the Surrey Sports Park, and hope to explore more new skills in both my studies and personal life''.
- Ming Xu (ATI Postgraduate Student)
Chloe Howard - Postgraduate Researcher

''In 2018, I began my MSci in Biochemistry at the University of Surrey. During my fourth year, I started my dissertation research, which involved working in two distinct departments: the School of Biosciences under Dr Paola Campagnolo and the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) under Dr Vlad Stolojan. The project focused on developing electrospun scaffolds for treating diabetic ulcers. It allowed me to not only apply my undergraduate knowledge but also gain new, skills in engineering. When the opportunity for a PhD arose, I was thrilled and immediately applied.
Since then, I've continued to refine my engineering and cell culture skills, achieving more than I ever imagined. One of my research papers was even featured on American news! The ATI has provided a wonderfully welcoming environment, particularly thanks to the supportive tech and administrative staff. Working here has also allowed me to develop myself outside my studies and I have since joined the fencing club, which has been incredibly rewarding. My time at the ATI has been fantastic and I hope to continue my research and personal growth over the rest of my course''.
- Chloe Howard (ATI Postgraduate Student)
Spencer Skinner - Postgraduate Researcher

''I started my studies at the University of Surrey in 2018, I joined the bachelor’s Electronic and Electrical Engineering course through clearing. Within first year I decided to swap to the masters skew of the course and do a placement after finding out about the fantastic placement support provided by the university. My time at Surrey has been amazing, the course and my placement year at Johnsons Controls has given me the confidence and the skills to take on any engineering challenge.
The Student Union at Surrey does an brilliant job of providing opportunities for students outside of their studies, during my first year I was able to take up Archery and for the last 3 years I have been a part of the Snowsports club. The department does a great job of ensuring students are supported throughout their projects, Dr Radu Sporea did an amazing job supporting me throughout my dissertation project. This very project won several funding awards, took me to Australia and has now become the foundation of my PhD. I am studying my PhD under Dr Radu Sporea in the ATI as part of a dual degree programme with the University of Wollongong, Australia. My work is now focused on the development of flexible electronics for medical wearables''.
- Spencer Skinner (ATI Postgraduate Student)
Our students
Our students work within our research groups/centres associated with our Institute.