Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) networking project

At the forefront of capacity-building in qualitative analysis tools since 1994


Information, advice, training and support in the use of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis.

Awareness Raising and Capacity Building

We provide a range of open-registration events throughout the year focusing on the use of dedicated CAQDAS packages for qualitative and mixed-methods analysis, including awareness raising weminars, methodological weminars and software-specific training. We also provide tailored training and support for individuals and teams.

Our staff members

Dr Christina Silver

Associate Professor (Teaching), Director of CAQDAS Networking Project

I graduated from Essex University in 1997 in Politics and Sociology, after which I came to Surrey and completed the Social Research Methods M.Sc. with distinction and obtained ESRC funded PhD comparing the development of school-based sex education in England and Wales and the Netherlands in 2002. I've been working with the CAQDAS Networking Project (CNP) since 1998 and I now ...

Dr Sarah Bulloch

Teaching Fellow

I am social research methodologist with a background in conducting and teaching analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. I have worked in academia, the third sector and the consultancy world. Since 2014 I have been running 1 and 2 day Introductory courses in three of the market-leading software (ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA and NVivo) for the anal...

Professor Nigel Fielding

Emeritus Professor

I have served as external examiner for doctoral theses at the universities of Cambridge, Cardiff, Durham, East Anglia, Exeter, LSE, Middlesex, Nottingham Trent, Queen's University Belfast, Royal Holloway University of London, Southampton, and for doctoral theses abroad at Bharathidasan University (Tamil Nadu), Cornell University, La Trobe University Melbourne, Universiti Sains M...