Joshua Edwards
"I have been offered a position in the Acute Medical Unit at Frimley Park Hospital which is a dream come true. I’m so happy to be able to continue my training and development in a hospital that I have enjoyed being part of."
Adult Nursing BSc (Hons)A passion for nursing
My passion for my course, like many student nurses, started when my family required care whilst I was growing up. My grandparents required community nurses as they approached the end of their lives, and the care they provided to my family and me had a profound impact. It wasn’t hard to see what an incredible job nurses do, and so I thought why not? Why not apply myself to a career where I can provide the same support to others that those nurses provided to my family so many years ago?
I’ve lived in Surrey almost my whole life so I knew just how amazing this area is. I'm comfortable here and couldn’t be happier. Regarding the course, I knew just how high the standard is at Surrey. The nursing degrees offered have so much support available and such beautiful facilities for the student nurses. It was a no-brainer!
Nursing Society
Being a part of the Nursing Society has made every aspect of my university experience better! We offer a variety of events such as wellbeing sessions, academic workshops and the usual social events. This has meant that the Society has provided me with learning opportunities and so much support. I have met people who have become very close friends that without the Society I likely never would have spoken to beyond a nod or a wave in lectures.

My best moments as President of the Nursing Society
If I had to pick, it would be the session we offered to first-year student nurses which focused on preparing them for their upcoming clinical placements. Clinical placements make up 50 per cent of our course and can be an intimidating prospect at first.
The session went through all the little details that students often don’t consider such as self-care tips and some of the techniques second and third-year student nurses had employed to make the most of their time on placement. The reaction to the session was overwhelming and really helped to build their confidence. I was very proud of the committee and myself.
Looking ahead
I have been offered a position in the Acute Medical Unit at Frimley Park Hospital which is a dream come true. I’m so happy to be able to continue my training and development in a hospital that I have enjoyed being a part of for many years now and cannot quite believe how quickly this has all come around.
I know it’s cliché, but the course really does seem to fly by. I do hope to return to the University of Surrey for postgraduate study in the future once I have some years of being a qualified nurse under my belt.
Surrey has helped me become someone I’m proud of, and it’s all thanks to the support of the School of Health Sciences and my fellow student nurses. I urge anyone considering a career in nursing to take the leap because I don’t think enough people realise just how much this course can change your life.