Student profile
Sarah Roberts, MA Education for Health Professionals

Sarah Roberts

"The teaching staff are very approachable, knowledgeable and supportive. They’re always keen to provide me and my peers with valuable learning experiences."


Education for Health Professionals MA

Why I chose Surrey

I qualified as an adult nurse in 1988 and completed my nursing diploma back in 2003. I went on to complete a BSc (Hons) in Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) at Surrey – now known as BSc (Hons) Public Health Practice (SCPHN) (Health Visiting) – and I haven’t stopped learning since!

As a qualified teacher, I know first-hand how important up-to-date evidence-based education is. It’s vital to ensure that health professionals are equipped with the right skills to work in an ever-changing environment and can maximise the use of resources, to ensure the best quality of care is given to patients and clients.

As you can tell, I love studying and I was keen to gain a masters-level teaching qualification. As an existing member of staff at Surrey, I was aware of the relevant modules that were offered and the amazing support offered by teaching staff. It was the perfect fit for me.

My course

On my MA Education for Health Professionals course, I get to complete a variety of modules alongside qualified health professionals from several different specialisms. It’s interesting to learn about other professions but still be able to apply the learning and assignments to my own area of expertise.

The teaching staff are very approachable and always willing to give me support. They’re knowledgeable and keen to provide me and my peers with valuable learning experiences.

My biggest highlight has been completing my dissertation. It’s been hard work and has taken me many years to get to this point, as my initial nursing qualification was at certificate level. It has been worthwhile, and I feel proud that I persevered and continued to study throughout my nursing career.

"My time at Surrey has enabled me to reflect on my teaching practice and it’s given me the bravery to try new things."

My career and development

My time at Surrey has enabled me to reflect on my teaching practice and it’s given me the bravery to try new things. It’s a privilege to be part of the School of Health Sciences, to inspire students from a variety of backgrounds, motivate them to do their best and support them to continue learning throughout their careers.

Once I complete my qualification, I’m going to have a break from studying and apply what I’ve learnt to my own practice.

My advice

  • Be organised and don’t leave things to the last minute.
  • Speak to teaching staff for support.
  • Most importantly, enjoy every moment!

Find out more about our Education for Health Professionals course